Cake from sorrel

Let's find out with you how to prepare an original and quite tasty pie from sorrel, which will surprise your guests and cause them a lot of positive emotions.

The recipe for pie with sorrel


For filling:


In a small container, pour the milk, dilute it with water and heat a little on a feeble fire. Then pour out the dry yeast and sugar. In a separate large bowl we sift the flour, and then pour the yeast mixture into it. Add the chicken egg and throw a pinch of salt. We mix the homogeneous dough and leave it in a warm place to rise.

This time thoroughly rinses the leaves of sorrel, shakes off excess water from them, cut them and fall asleep with sugar. If desired, we add cooked and diced eggs, mix and set aside the filling aside. From the dough we pluck a small piece and leave it for the cake. The main part is rolled out, laid out on a baking tray and form small side walls.

Then evenly distribute the filling, and from the left test we make flagella and decorate them with our pie with sorrel and egg. After that, put it in a preheated oven and bake for about 20-30 minutes until ready.

Cake with sorrel in the multivark


For filling:


Mix flour with sugar, add margarine and grind everything until crumbs form. Then we put the sour cream with the soda and put the dough together. We let him stand for about 20 minutes, divide into 2 unequal pieces, most of it is rolled out and put into shape, making the sides.

Now we prepare the filling: chopped sorrel and mint mix with sugar, starch and distribute evenly over the dough. We close the top with the second smaller piece of dough and prepare the pie with sorrel without yeast in the multivark at the "Bake" mode for 65 minutes.

Cake with sorrel on yogurt


For filling:


So, to make a pie with sorrel in the oven, first mix the dough. To do this, we sift the flour several times, add the yeast and thoroughly grind everything with our hands. Then put the softened butter and sugar. Eggs beat up with salt and pour the mixture into the flour mass together with homemade kefir . Mix everything thoroughly and let the dough stand for 30 minutes.

This time we make while stuffing: sorrel and twigs of mint mine and we dry. Rhubarb we process, crush, fall asleep with sugar and a little mowing. Next, throw it in a colander to stack extra juice. Apples are cleaned, thinly shredded slices, sprinkled with sugar, tighten the bowl with a film and leave for 15 minutes. Then gently drain the juice and mix with sorrel.

We divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out the first, put it into the greased form, so that the edges will hang. From the top distribute the filling, sprinkle with vanillin, wrap the edges of the dough inward and cover with the second layer of dough. The oven is heated to 180 degrees and bake our cake with apples and sorrel until cooked. Then grease it with butter, cover with a towel and give a little rest.