Cake with whipped cream

Do not know what to do for tea on the holiday, and bought cakes are already fed up! Then we offer you win-win recipes for making a cake with cream.

Pancake cake with whipped cream


For pancakes:

For cream:

For decoration:


To make a chocolate cake with whipped cream, first cook the pancakes. Chocolate melt in a water bath, pour a little milk and dissolve it completely chocolate. In the remaining milk sift flour, sprinkle sugar powder, salt, cocoa and mix well. Eggs separately beat into a good foam and pour into the flour mixture Melt butter, add to the dough, pour melted chocolate, lemon zest and stir everything.

We leave the dough on the table for 3 hours. Then we bake pancakes and add them with a pile. Then we prepare the cream. To do this, melt the chocolate, pour half of the portion of cream and cool the mass to room temperature. The remaining cream is whipped into a foam, gradually pouring vanilla sugar. Then add melted chocolate and mix. Now we start to collect the cake: we put a pancake on the dish, grease it with cream cream , it's still a pancake, cream, pancake, etc. The top pancake is poured over with cream, decorated with grated chocolate, fresh fruit and whipped cream .

Sponge cake with whipped cream



To make a cake with cream and fruit, beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer. Add sour cream and mix well. Then we pour the sifted flour and put a pinch of soda. We knead the liquid homogeneous dough and spread it into the mold. Bake until ready at 180 degrees, about 30 minutes. Cool the cake and cut into several pieces.

Whipped cream into a lush mass. Fruits are cleaned and cut into pieces. We put the cake on a dish and soak it with syrup. We put the whipped cream, spread, lay out the fruit and cover with the second crust. The last cake is also impregnated with syrup, coated on all sides with cream and decorated with fruits. We remove the ready cake with cream for 3 hours in the fridge, and then serve it on the festive table.