Rashes on the body

Eruptions on the body are very diverse. Any skin disease manifests itself in the form of characteristic elements. The rash may consist of such formations as:

It is on the basis of the nature of the rash and the results of the tests that the expert diagnoses and recommends a specific therapy. We will find out which rashes are typical for various diseases.

Types of rash

Small rashes on the body

Small red rashes on the body can signal the infection of the body. So it is very easy to differentiate varicella: in this disease, the body is covered with transparent bubbles with a red edging. But measles and rubella can be confused with a similar rash, which is observed with a cutaneous allergy - hives. Distinguish the infection by the presence of a runny nose and coughing with measles, an increase in lymph nodes with rubella. In addition, the allergic rash spreads immediately, in contrast to the infectious, which appears consistently.

A fine rash is also observed in cases of the disease:

If the rash on the body itches, and the itching is worse at night, then, most likely, the patient is infected with an itch mite - he has scabies. Convincing evidence of the disease are whitish strips on the body, representing the passages in the epidermis, which makes the parasite.

Herpetic rashes on the body

Herpetic rash occurs when infected with the herpes virus and is a cluster of bubbles 1.5-2 mm in size, filled with a turbid liquid. As the opening on the spot of the bubble formations, poorly healing erosions appear. If an infection gets into the wound, superficial ulcers with a condensed bottom and marked swelling around can be formed.

Pustular eruptions on the body

Ulcers on the inflamed skin integument are formed when:

Pustular skin diseases refer to infectious diseases. The risk group includes people with weakened immunity and endocrine disorders in the body. Important factors in the prevention of pustular formations on the body are observance of body hygiene and the use of individual objects when taking care of oneself (towels, combs, etc.).