Day of the Angel of Olga

Olga - a fairly common name among the Eastern Slavic peoples, it has its own ancient history and is associated with the names of famous women of its time.

Olga - the meaning of the name

This female name has two versions of its origin. The first, to which most historians are inclined, is Scandinavian. "Olga" came from "Helga", which in Old Norse means "holy," "bright," "sacred." The second version is less common. It is believed that the name Olga has ancient Slavic roots and comes from such words as "Volga", "Volkh". These words mean about "sunny", "good", "great".

Name day of Olga

Olga's name day after the Orthodox calendar is celebrated several times a year: March 14 , July 17, July 24, November 23. But the most significant is the day of the angel of Olga, who celebrates on July 24. He is associated with the name of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga of Kiev (after Helen Baptism became Elena), who ruled Kievan Rus in the second half of the 10th century.

There are people's signs associated with the day of Olga. It was on July 24th that it was decided to guess by the thunder. It is believed that if there is thunder, and it turns out to be deaf, you need to wait for a quiet rain, but if booming - there will be a downpour.

The bearer of this name usually has such traits of character as thoughtfulness, seriousness, resentment. She is also vulnerable and very delicate. From the negative can be identified excessive stubbornness of Olga. She does not experience a lack of friends in friends, she's having fun with her. Olga is very capable, but not too proactive. The owner of this name is always hard at work, can achieve high results in his career. In addition, what does not take away from Olga, so this is a heightened sense of responsibility. The most suitable profession for her is a public or political figure, a leader, a doctor. Olga is highly moral and demands this and from others. The girl is vindictive enough, never forgets old grievances. In a marriage, Olga is faithful to her husband and most often lives with him all her life. Chosen she chooses a strong, intelligent, positive and reliable. Mother from Olga, too, will be caring and very responsible. The bearers of this name always follow their appearance, keep themselves toned even at home. Rarely, these are lean girls, usually their figures are slightly larger than the average. But it does not spoil Olga's appearance, on the contrary, as if emphasizes her vitality and energy.

Olga's name in history

Olga's names are associated, first of all, with such a significant figure in medieval Eastern European history as Princess Olga. The Church considers her equal in apostleship, because her contribution to the formation of Christianity in Russia is huge. Already at quite mature age, Princess Olga was baptized in Byzantium. Elena was called by her. The princess died in 969, before she lived 19 years before her grandson, Prince Vladimir, christened Russia.

Olga was the wife of the Grand Duke of Kiev Igor Rurikovich and the mother of the Grand Duke of Kiev Svyatoslav Igorevich. Was glorified in the famous "Tale of Bygone Years" by the monk Nestor as a wise ruler. But do not idealize this woman: she was quite brutal. After the Drevlyane killed her husband, Prince Igor, she brutally avenged them, equaling the face of the earth with their capital, Iskorosten. Olga was a reformer: she changed the taxation system, built and strengthened cities, was the true mistress of Russia.

To find out how many days a name Olga has, one needs to open a church calendar. The Church loves and reveres the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga.