Means for heartburn

Many of us are familiar with the burning sensation behind the sternum, called simply heartburn. The medical term for this phenomenon is gastroesophageal reflux. Often unpleasant sensations are familiar to pregnant women, people who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as those who like to eat tightly and tasty, especially at bedtime. The cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations lies in the ingestion of gastric juice, in the composition of which there is acid, into the esophagus. Ways to get rid of burning are quite a lot, both medical and folk, they will be discussed.

How fast can I get rid of heartburn?

If you have severe heartburn, the first thing you should not do is lie down. With an upright position, the acid is easier to dip back into the stomach, while lying on the bed does not bring any benefit.

The most common home remedy for heartburn is a solution of soda, enough in a third of a glass of warm water to dissolve half a teaspoon of powder, and then drink the resulting solution in small sips. This tool has many opponents, although the action of soda is banal chemistry, neutralizing the acid with alkali.

There is also an opinion that can help foods from heartburn, such as milk. In fact, the principle of its action - enveloping the walls of the esophagus, and quite short. So milk from heartburn is not the most effective option.

Treating heartburn

Advise that it is best to drink a doctor for heartburn. If burning occurs regularly, then do not neglect such a clear symptom of health problems. In addition to drugs that can neutralize the effect of acid in a short time, such as Rennie, Maalox, Almagel and others, the doctor will also prescribe treatment. First of all, you need to follow a special diet that excludes foods that can provoke a burning sensation in the esophagus. It is recommended to limit fatty and fried foods, eat before going to bed. The doctor can also prescribe drugs that help reduce the production of gastric juice, in no case should you drink without specialist supervision, and even more so without prescribing. It is possible that the constant heartburn will give you the opportunity to identify serious digestive system disorders that require comprehensive medical treatment, so do not brush aside the problem.

Fighting heartburn everyone has their own

With the regular appearance of heartburn, a person, as a rule, having tried on himself several folk or medical ways of solving a problem, already clearly knows which method helps him specifically. Many people, hardly feeling the approach of burning, begin to dissolve soda in water, someone takes out the stored packaging of the proven medicine, someone helps the seeds, and some milk is recognized as effective in fighting the disease.

It is known that the ashes from a newly-ground cigarette, if eaten, also eliminate heartburn, because it has an alkaline medium. For the non-smoking population, pharmacies offer not only medicines, but also special plant collections that have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and eliminate heartburn, preventing its subsequent appearance. Whichever way you choose, remember, in a healthy body, heartburn is an infrequent guest. The appearance of unpleasant sensations is a sufficient occasion for a visit to the therapist. Proper nutrition and control of one's own health will not only help to forget about the appearance of heartburn, but also keep the body in working condition for many years.