How to take a hellebore for weight loss?

The frostbite is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the family of buttercups. It grows in two variations: with stems on which the leaves grow and without stems with basal foliage. The frostbite usually starts to bloom early in the spring. Its main feature is that the plant is poisonous and dangerous, especially its rhizomes, so taking this plant in all variations is completely unsafe.

How correctly to take a hellebore?

One of the basic properties of hellebore is its ability to purify the intestines from slags and restore metabolism . Due to the normalization of the digestive system, the body begins to lose extra pounds.

It must be remembered that due to its virulence, the use of this plant requires strict adherence to the dosage. One dose should be no more than 200 micrograms (1/4 of a measuring spoon). The rule that the more we take the medicine, the faster it acts, is inapplicable, since the strongest intoxication of the body can follow.

Another condition, how to take grass hellebore - the time for admission. In the morning and on an empty stomach. After the evening reception, the effect will be less, since during the action of hellebore, a person must be awake.

If you are interested in the question of how to take a hellebore in the Caucasus, then everything is very simple. This is just a kind of grass hellebore. Therefore, the recommendations are the same for all species of this plant.

The most effective consider such application. In the evening, pour the necessary amount of grass into a glass and pour water at room temperature (30-50 ml). In the morning we drink everything in the glass: water, and sediment! If in the evening you forget to cook the infusion, it can be done in the morning, but instead of warm water pour the grass of hot minutes for 15.