How to remove the cud from the clothes?

Gum on clothes - from this trouble nobody is insured. Especially often, this problem is faced by people who often use public transport. Normal washing, unfortunately, does not allow you to remove the cud from your clothes. There are several methods for removing chewing gum from clothes and cleaning the thing without spoiling it.

  1. The spoiled thing needs to be put in a plastic bag and put for an hour in the freezer. The whole problem of removing chewing gum is that at room temperature it becomes unusually sticky. In the cold, the chewing gum solidifies and easily falls away from clothing. If there is a stain from the chewing gum,
  2. Remove the chewing gum from clothes with an iron and a sheet of clean paper. A sheet of paper should be placed on a stained place and ironed from above with a hot iron. Chewing gum, melted under the influence of temperature, sticks to clothes and sticks to paper. The gum stain, also, can be removed with alcohol.

To remove the cud from the clothes, like any other spot, you can use a universal stain remover. Before you start removing stains from chewing gum with stain remover, you should carefully read the instructions so as not to spoil the thing.