How to maintain order in the apartment?

Preservation of order in the apartment is one of those problems that have to be solved almost daily. Therefore experienced housewives, in order to constantly maintain the cleanliness and order in the house, try to follow some simple rules.

Tips on how to maintain order in the apartment

First of all, it is worthwhile to make it clear to everyone living in the apartment that each thing has its own specific place, that is, to follow the rule "take-put in place". To keep order in the apartment does not become burdensome for you, never bring to the house and do not accumulate unnecessary, in fact, things - advertising booklets and leaflets, greeting cards, all sorts of things from the category "suddenly come in handy, worn out clothes or shoes and stuff . Another useful tip for keeping order in a particular room, for example in the living room, is to determine the range of activities that you and your family members are engaged in in this room and remove everything that is not related to them (occupations). For example, if in the living room you watch TV, do needlework or read, then there is absolutely no place for kitchen utensils or bags, for them there is a place in the kitchen or in the hallway. By the way, about the kitchen - to maintain order there should be with special care.

How to maintain order in the kitchen?

Kitchen - this is the place in the house where everyone spends a lot of time and where there are a lot of items. Therefore, do not allow the accumulation of extra dishes and all sorts of jars-bottles "for beauty." What you do not use daily, will only accumulate dust and clutter the cupboards. At least once a week, conduct an audit of all products and discard with expired shelf life. Do not accumulate mountains of dirty dishes in a sink, and wash it immediately after use.

And a common advice for all cases - do not be lazy to conduct regularly both the current cleaning in the house and the general cleaning . Remember, cleanliness is the guarantee of health.