How to wash stains from dandelions?

The child, seeing on the street a clearing of flowers instantly rushes them to tear, to give to relatives or to weave wreaths. Mom and Dad initially rejoice at the care of their child, but noticing on his clothes stains from dandelions, fun immediately fades. Very many parents are faced with a similar situation and, probably, not in vain.

Today we will try to figure out whether our parents taught us to be accurate with plants in childhood, because the spots of dandelion juice do not wash out. Or maybe earlier simply there were no good stain removers, and the powders did not perform their functions professionally enough? Let's talk about how it is possible to clean stains from dandelions, what better to choose means for this purpose and whether people's methods will help in this matter.

Household chemicals

  1. Special stain removers . When confronted with the problem of pollution of things with any hard-to-remove spot, it is logical to purchase and use specialized stain removers. They are in both powder and liquid form. It is very important to study the instructions in detail before use, as many of these cleaning agents contain bleach, and this can damage and spoil colored fabrics.
  2. Cleaners . The modern market of household chemicals offers a variety of products that will help wash all sorts of dirt and blots, including stains from dandelions. The most common among buyers can be noted such brands as "Vanish", "Persel" or "BOS".
  3. Domestos . If you have a question - how to remove stains on clothes from dandelion, we recommend that you take the first step to use the current, and most importantly, affordable means, called Domestos. This product perfectly copes with its direct functions, such as cleaning plumbing. But it will also, undoubtedly, help get rid of the dirt on clothes that are left from dandelions. Apply a little Domestos directly on the stain, rub it gently and rinse. If visible traces remain, repeat the procedure several times.

Folk ways

If you have tried the means of household chemicals, and the dirt, still very pronounced, it is probably time for folk ways. Let's see how to wash stains from dandelions, if you use only grandmother's advice.

  1. Lemon . A proven and reliable method for controlling stubborn stains is natural acid in the form of lemon. For instant removal of dirt you need only a few drops of lemon juice or a slice of this citrus. Baste nectar on the necessary piece of clothing, a fresh spot should disappear immediately, and the old stain will require further cleaning. For best effect, after applying the lemon on the fabric - wait 10-15 minutes before rinsing the clothes.
  2. Household soap . Wipe the stained fabric with soap and leave it on for 8-9 hours, then rinse everything thoroughly.
  3. Vegetable oil . Similarly, it is necessary to apply oil to a dirty scrap, then soap it, and then manually stretch it. At this time, the fabric should always be in the water.
  4. Iron and a sheet of paper . On a flat surface, spread out the contaminated thing, cover it with a clean sheet of plain paper and iron it. Turn the household appliance on the "Cotton" mode. Perhaps, it is this method that will be the most optimal for you in dealing with the issue of how to wash fresh stains from dandelions.

Do you still think that it is impossible to remove a stain from a dandelion? We hope that this information helped you get rid of the outdated stereotype. But still remember that fresh stains are much easier to remove than old ones.