The smell in shoes is how to get rid of?

A lot of discomfort is caused by the unpleasant smell of shoes, how to get rid of it? On the feet are thousands of sweat glands, which during the heat or stress begin to actively allocate sweat. Cope with the problem is not so simple, but it is possible.

How to prevent the appearance of unpleasant "scents"?

To get rid of an unpleasant smell, it is not enough to pay attention only to shoes. Change pantyhose and socks every day, even if there is no tangible smell. It is recommended to wear socks made from natural fabric, where the content of synthetic fibers is minimal. If possible, it is better to have at least two pairs of shoes for the season. Putting them on in turn, the shoes will be more ventilated, watch for the condition of the insoles.

Wash your feet with special antibacterial agents, you can rub the cream to reduce sweating. Different powders, boric acid, talc absorb odors, these funds from the smell of shoes are simply found in pharmacies.

With increased sweating, a pale pink solution of manganese can help you. Suitable 20-minute warm baths with the addition of a glass of vinegar in the water for a week. If you need an express method, then before bed apply lavender oil on the feet and go to bed in thin socks.

How to deal with the smell of shoes?

Remember that the fabric shoes can be washed in a typewriter. To do this, you need to put it in the old pillow cases, it is better to throw it into the drum with several towels. Use white vinegar and a softener - this tandem kills bacteria.

Get rid of the problem will help citrus peel left in the shoes at night. Also on the insole you can drip a few drops of essential oil, for example, lavender . Try cleaning the interior with soda or activated charcoal (you must first crush it): pour the powder inside, leave for half a day, wipe with a damp sponge. Alternatively, you can wipe the inside of the product with hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, a solution of potassium permanganate, or a mixture of water and tea tree oil.

If folk methods are not of interest to you, buy a specialized deodorant against the smell of shoes.