Methods of motivating staff

Each person has his own expectations from work. Someone wants career growth, some do not care about the position, the main thing is to pay more, someone just needs to save money for a serious acquisition, the purpose of life, a dream. If the manager sees a person as a post, he will necessarily find an approach to it and apply an individual, non-standard method of motivating the staff.

Material motivation

"Sharks" management and experts in the development of organizations, believe that the material methods of motivating staff are very effective, but short-lived.

If the only thing that you encourage the employee is the increase to the salary, soon, he will get used to a good life and will cease to worry that this month he failed to fulfill the plan. In addition, there is always a place where the "grass is greener", and the employee, managed only by money, easily, without remorse, will throw you at the most inopportune moment, because he is accustomed to money. And although the moral methods of motivating and motivating staff are more important and more long-term, we will stop briefly on the correct ways to increase the efficiency of labor with the help of money.

Material motivation is reduced to two basic components - salary and various bonuses and bonuses.

Wages should be drawn up in accordance with the average wage rates in the labor market. It is charged for the performance of actions prescribed in the contract.

The prize consists of three components, or rather, there are three main reasons for its accrual:

Pay attention, these modern methods of motivating staff should stimulate not only one person, but the whole team. If the prize is received by someone who has not been late in half a year, perhaps this will be an occasion for improving labor discipline in the whole team.

Moral motivation

Methods of non-material motivation of personnel are most important for the company at the initial stage of development. Then, the goal of the authorities is to create a cohesive team that is ready to follow the leader not for the sake of money, but for the sake of prospects, personal growth, and enhancement of prestige.

The basis of moral motivation is personality . If every employee gets what he wants, everyone will be happy. So, statistics show that the encouraging distribution of tickets to the theater, the opera works much better than some percentage of the wage premium. This is especially important if the company is really developing, and there is no means to increase the salary quarterly. In this case, symbolic gifts to those who have distinguished themselves, will enhance the team spirit, because the employee understands that the boss could not do this, but did.

When is the material part more important than the moral?

If moral encouragement has turned into a "excuse" of the authorities in the form of handing out the letters, the employees who received such a "reward" only swayed by the spirit, because:

If the boss perceives the term motivation, as the distribution of "gingerbread", they lose a lot. The golden rule of motivation is that the team must clearly understand who gets what reward and for what, and that this style of work is the standard.