What is this analysis - a coagulogram?

Many women are assigned a study of a biological fluid called a coagulogram. It helps the treating doctor to determine the status of hemostasis, to identify the presence of hyper- or hypocoagulation. In addition, the patients themselves become easier to understand the various symptoms if they know what kind of analysis is a coagulogram, what it is intended for, and how to decipher it correctly.

What is included in the coagulogram analysis?

Hemostasis is a system that is responsible for the normal consistency of blood, as well as its ability to clot. Any impairment leads either to the formation of thrombi, which is typical for varicose veins, cardiovascular pathologies, autoimmune diseases and hepatological diseases, or to a decrease in the density of the biological fluid (haemophilia, frequent bleeding due to minor vascular damage).

Thus, the coagulogram differs from the general and biochemical blood test according to the indices. It includes in the base version:

  1. PTI (prothrombin index), PTV (prothrombin time) or INR (international normalized ratio). The last test is considered the most informative and universal. These indicators allow you to calculate the period of time for which a blood clot forms at the site of injury.
  2. Fibrinogen is a protein that is responsible for the appearance of thrombi as the final stage of coagulation of a biological fluid and is converted to fibrin.
  3. Thrombin time. Shows, for what period from fibrinogen is produced fibrin.
  4. APTTV (activated partial thromboplastin time). The indicator allows you to record the time of formation of blood clots.

Additional information for the coagulogram is obtained from a blood test for such parameters:

These additional indicators are required for more accurate diagnosis in case of suspicion of a specific disease, especially during pregnancy.

Preparation for coagulogram analysis

The only requirement for a patient before conducting a study is a refusal to eat 8 hours before the biological fluid is collected. It is recommended to donate blood in the morning, but this is not a strict rule.

How much is the coagulogram analyzed?

The time required to count the quantitative indicators of the study is 1 working day. It may exceed the specified interval, depending on the equipment installed in the laboratory, as well as the need to transport the material (no more than 3-4 days).

Norms of coagulogram analysis

The decipherment of the study consists in comparing the obtained parameters with the reference values.

They are:

  1. For PTI - from 80 to 120%. If this is exceeded, vitamin K deficiency is possible in the body, and the reduced ability of the blood to clot is diagnosed. If the RTI is less than the norm, this may indicate a hypercoagulable state.
  2. For PTV and INR - from 78 to 142%. The deviation from these parameters is similar to that of the PTI.
  3. For fibrinogen - from 2 to 4 g / l (in pregnant women can be increased to 6 g / l). An increase in the amount of the substance indicates a tendency to thrombosis, and a decrease in the amount of the DIC syndrome or liver pathologies.
  4. For thrombin time - from 11 to 17.8 seconds. The deviation of the parameter from the norm is directly related to the previous indicator and its concentration.
  5. For APTTV - from 24 to 35 seconds. If the time is less, this indicates a hypercoagulable state. With an increase in possible hemophilia, DVS-syndrome 2 or 3 degrees.