Fistula on the gums of the child

Dental problems in children must necessarily be addressed with medical care. In this article, we will consider a disease such as a fistula on the gums in a child, which is especially often seen in children before the appearance of permanent teeth.

Fistula on the gums in a child: symptoms and causes

Desnevoy fistula, as a rule, occurs if the tooth is not completely cured of caries. Under the seal are pathogenic bacteria, which, multiplying, lead to the formation of a small tumor on the gum, inside which pus accumulates, which is excreted through the fistula. Also in childhood, there are cases of fistula due to neglected periodontitis (inflammation of the gingival tissue near the root of the milk tooth).

If a fistula develops on the gums, the following symptoms occur: pain that increases with pressure, the formation of a channel directly through the gums, through which fluid (pus, blood) can be released, and the mobility of the tooth located next to the fistula.

What is dangerous fistula on the gum? This disease can have such consequences:

How to treat a fistula on the gum?

In children, such a disease is treated in most cases by tooth extraction. This is necessary to avoid intoxication from getting purulent discharge into the baby's stomach, and also in order to save a permanent tooth from infection as soon as possible. However, it is possible that if you get help on time, you can avoid tooth extraction. In this case, dentists usually prescribe salt baths, rinses with antiseptic liquid, antibacterial gels and ointments.