Parainfluenza in children

Among the viruses transmitted by airborne droplets in children, you can find such a disease as parainfluenza. Paragripp, according to the picture of the disease, is similar to other viral infections. Heavy forms of parainfluenza in children are extremely rare, but this ailment is dangerous complications. About the symptoms, treatment and preventive measures we will discuss in this article.

Symptoms of parainfluenza in children

The incubation period lasts up to seven days. For the disease is characterized by a very rapid and acute onset with a sharp increase in temperature, up to 40 degrees. Among the accompanying symptoms of parainfluenza in children can be noted:

Parainfluenza treatment in children

If there are signs of parainfluenza in a child, parents should contact a specialist. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out in the laboratory. This makes it possible to distinguish the parainfluenza virus from other respiratory viral infections.

Children with parainfluenza are on home treatment. The only exceptions are cases of severe disease. Appropriate medicines are prescribed by the doctor. Compliance with bed rest is recommended. Nutrition during the illness should be easily digestible, and the drink abundant. Both food and water must be warm.

Complications of parainfluenza

Parainfluenza disease for children is fraught with serious complications. Most often they appear in the form of angina, sinusitis, croup or pneumonia. If there are signs of deterioration of the child, it should immediately be shown to a specialist.

When pneumonia cough increases, it becomes wet and there is pain in the chest. The temperature of the patient after a slight improvement again begins to increase. The croup is accompanied by a barking cough and fever.

All complications, as a rule, appear on the 3-4th day of the disease, significantly worsening the child's well-being.

Prevention of parainfluenza in children

There is no special prevention of parainfluenza. Usually, measures are taken similar to the prevention of influenza. The patient must be isolated, contact with him must necessarily use a gauze bandage. The apartment or house should be ventilated and wet cleaned.