Charlie Sheen is sick with AIDS!

Charlie Sheen is a well-known actor who has played in such films as "Platoon", "Being John Malkovich", "Very Scary Movie", the public dad, the father of five children has shocked the public with not the most positive news - he is sick. His illness belongs to the category of deaths - the star of Hollywood was put with a terrible diagnosis - HIV.

Where does Charlie Sheen have HIV?

Nobody doubts the high acting talent of Charlie Sheen, his merits in the cinema. But also everyone knows about his disorderly personal life and addictions. According to some reports, the actor had about 5 thousand partners. Repeatedly he came across drugs and other illegal drugs.

Although Charlie Sheen and led a similar way of life, which does not bode well, the news about HIV still made a furor. Although, it is worth rejoice for the actor - Charlie Sheen has a diagnosis not AIDS, but only HIV, which is quite compatible with a long life.

As and when he contracted, the actor can not say for sure. Several years ago he began to pay attention to his poor state of health - at night he woke up in a cold sweat, he began to suffer from headaches .

Charlie Sheen is sick with HIV - reaction to the news

The fact that he is sick, the actor told first to the closest people. Numerous companions received from Shin quite good fees for being silent and not suing him. One of Shin's former lovers claims that he paid her $ 5 million to keep her tongue behind her teeth. But after the official statement that Charlie Sheen is infected with HIV, he will not be able to avoid a huge number of lawsuits in his address.

Charlie Sheen rightfully owns the "title" of the playboy - he never denied himself a new connection, despite the fact that he was repeatedly married. The second wife of Charlie Sheena Denise Richards quite calmly accepted the news that Charlie Sheen is sick, because her health and the health of her daughters are not threatened - she knows for sure that he got infected after their divorce, around 2010. But the third wife of the actor Brooke Müller immediately panicked. Brooke and Charlie were married between 2008 and 2011 - she and the twin sons have every chance of being infected.

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