Abscess of the lung

This disease is a nonspecific inflammation caused by microbial infection, accompanied by the formation of purulent-necrotic cavities. The abscess of the lung develops by entering pathogens into the cavity. Most often, the cause of the disease is the activity of Staphylococcus aureus, anaerobic bacilli and Gram-negative aerobic. The presence of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx increases the risk of infection.

Abscess of the lung - symptoms

Symptoms of the disease are different for the stage of formation of the abscess and after its breakout. Acute abscess at the first stage is manifested in the form of such complaints of the patient:

After a breakthrough of pus, there is a marked improvement in the patient's condition:

Symptoms of chronic lung abscess are characterized by the persistence of cough and the release of purulent sputum. Some symptoms remain even at the stage of remission:

Over time, there are external changes in the patient's body:

With exacerbations arise:

Complications of lung abscess

The prolonged course of the chronic form of the disease can lead to the development of:

Diagnosis of lung abscess

Detection of the disease and the diagnosis is carried out on the basis of objective examinations, radiography, laboratory studies, bronchoscopy and computed tomography.

At objective diagnostics pay attention to:

Bronchoscopy allows you to study the nature of pus to determine its microflora and prescribe the appropriate antibiotics.

With the help of PKT, the exact location of the cavity and even the presence of liquid in it are established.

X-ray examination is the main element of diagnosis for the appointment of treatment of lung abscess. The procedure reveals an infiltrative darkening, which has convexities at the boundaries. The presence in the pleural cavity of the effusion indicates the inclusion in the inflammatory process of the pleura.

Conducting a general blood test reveals an increase in ESR, shift of the leukocyte form to the left and hypo-ulbuminemia. Often with The analysis reveals anemia . In the study of urine, leukocytes are found.

How to treat an abscess of the lung?

The patient must be hospitalized. An important task in the treatment is to provide fresh air, because it is often prescribed the inhalation of oxygen.

Therapy involves the elimination of pus, getting rid of the symptoms of intoxication and strengthening protective functions.

The basis of treatment is antibiotic therapy, which is prescribed in accordance with the sensitivity of bacteria to the drugs.

Washings, transthoracic puncture and fibronchoscopy are also widely used.