How useful is the kiss?

Science is the activity of a person who looks at everything strictly and impartially. Even so frivolous occupation, as kisses, scientists have managed to investigate, and the results of their research amaze and please. Appeared even "philology" - a science that studies in detail the kisses, their benefits and effects on our organisms. It is she who studies whether kisses are useful, and what are the benefits of kissing. To date, philology has managed to make a number of interesting findings and discoveries.

What can be treated with kisses?

Japanese doctors say that a kiss does not allow the body to produce histamine, which causes a terrible hay fever. But for this effect you should kiss without stopping for half an hour, and even for romantic music. It was discovered by research.

According to dentists, long kisses can normalize the level of acidity in the mouth, and if you kiss on health after a meal, it will reduce the risk of caries . This means that kissing is almost a substitute for brushing your teeth! And the thing is that our saliva contains a certain amount of calcium, fluorine and phosphorus, as well as useful natural antibiotics. In the process of kissing, the concentration of substances in the saliva increases. Therapists can safely prescribe kisses to their hypotonic clients to take off attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Scholars of Germany went even further, they not only calculated the useful properties of the kiss, but even determined the procedure of the so-called "healing kiss": this should last, in their opinion, three minutes, and the partners should look each other in the eye!

Is the kiss useful under stress?

It has long been proven that kisses have a beneficial effect on the mood. All the same ubiquitous scientists, this time from the University of Berlin, found that three morning kisses, lasting twenty seconds each, create a romantic mood for the whole day. Agree, this time scientists want to believe!

Doctors should prescribe kisses and victims of stress, because the enzymes that are released during this pleasant process, do not allow the body to produce glucocorticoids, and these substances contribute to the appearance in the body of harmful cholesterol and insomnia. And during the passionate kisses in the body there are useful neuropeptides that inhibit the production of cortisol, another culprit of stress.

Is it possible to become beautiful thanks to kisses?

Incredibly, but kisses also prolong our youth, because they activate an average of 32 facial muscles, thus being an excellent remedy for nasty wrinkles. And yet for just one minute of a passionate kiss with a loved one, 26 calories are burnt. It turns out that you can easily equate to fitness and kiss your heart, instead of sweating in the gym or sitting on tedious diets!

Kisses can promote success in business

Passionate French kiss, lasting no less than a minute and a half, raises blood pressure and level of hormones, speeds up the pulse, improves blood flow. All this contributes to the intensive intake of oxygen into the cells of the brain. As a result, mental processes are accelerated, the level of attention, concentration increases, memory becomes sharper. So kissing can help in study and work!

Curious scientists continue their research in such a spicy field, studying what else is useful for a kiss. However, even if the benefits of kissing were not proven, would people, because of this, less love this pleasant occupation?