Increased liver - what to do?

In medicine, the change in the size of the internal organs is not a separate disease. This condition is the accompaniment of some disease. Not everyone knows what to do if the liver is enlarged, and why it happens.

Causes of an enlarged liver

The main function of this body is the production of bile, enzymes, hormones and vitamins, all this is necessary for detoxification of the body. The liver is a kind of protective filter that absorbs and detoxifies most (90%) of toxic substances that get into the human blood. In the course of this work, there is an increase, which indicates that it is depleted and can not cope with its task qualitatively.

The liver accumulates excess fat, which is in the body, then to use it for the synthesis of hormones with enzymes or for protection from intoxication with excessive consumption of alcohol, and this happens when a strict diet is observed, since

The reasons for the increase may be various diseases:

There are no clearly expressed symptoms of an enlarged liver. But patients note that there may be:

Determine the size of the liver can the doctor with palpation of the abdominal cavity or with the help of ultrasound examination.

The liver is enlarged - the necessary treatment

In order to reduce the size of the liver, a complex treatment consisting of the use of medicines and the observance of a diet, which can be supplemented with the use of folk remedies, is necessary.

Medicamental treatment of an enlarged liver

It should be taken:

Diet with increased stove

The diet should be based on the following rules:

  1. All food should be cooked for a couple, cook or bake in the oven.
  2. Limit the daily intake of consumed fats to 70 grams, that is, completely eliminate fried foods.
  3. Do not eat sweets, dough products, legumes, all fatty meats and fish, canned food, smoked products and other spicy foods. Bread can only be eaten in dried form.
  4. Make a menu of cooked and fresh vegetables, cereals (buckwheat, rice and semolina), boiled fish, albumen omelet, dishes cooked for a pair of low-fat meat.
  5. Add drinks from rose hips, lemon, black currant.
  6. The diet should be nutritious and meet the norms for calories.
  7. There are small portions 5-6 times a day.

Traditional methods of treatment

For complex treatment you can take a decoction of milk thistle. Drink it should be every day for half an hour before eating 1 tablespoon.

You can prepare a collection of motherwort , dandelion roots, chicory and peony:

  1. Take 400 grams and pour 750 ml of cold water.
  2. Boil under the lid for 30 minutes.
  3. Let's brew for the same time and filter.

The whole broth should be drunk for 1 day.

Since the liver, spleen and pancreas are organically bound organs, and if they are enlarged, then treatment is almost the same.