Prophylaxis of thrombosis

The thrombosis of vessels of different localization leads to the development of serious pathologies, life-threatening. The formation of thrombi occurs as a result of violations of the blood composition, changes in the nature of the blood flow, damage to the walls of blood vessels and some other factors. A significant reduction in the risk of thrombosis can be achieved by following a series of recommendations. Consider what should be done to prevent thrombosis.

General measures for the prevention of vascular thrombosis

1. Use a sufficient amount of liquid (not less than 1.5 - 2 liters per day).

2. Restriction in the diet of products that promote blood thickening, among which:

3. The use of more products that dilute the blood:

4. Refusal from bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol-containing drinks.

5. Doing active lifestyles, playing sports.

6. Avoiding stress.

7. Regular medical examinations.

Prevention of deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities

Thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower extremities often occurs asymptomatically in the initial stages. The most susceptible to this disease are women who, due to their profession, are forced to stay in a standing or sitting position for a long time, pregnant women who underwent a Caesarean section operation. In addition to the above recommendations, for the prevention of thrombosis of this localization should:

  1. Refuse high heels and narrow trousers, squeezing belts.
  2. With a long sitting position, regularly do self-massage of calves, warm-up.
  3. Regularly take a contrast shower .

Prevention of thrombosis when taking contraceptives

As you know, taking oral contraceptives also increases the risk of developing thrombosis, because these drugs help increase blood coagulability. Therefore, women taking contraceptives must comply with all preventive recommendations. Often experts appoint in such cases the intake of omega-fatty acids in capsules that somewhat negate the negative effect of oral contraceptives, or other drugs that dilute blood.

Prevention of thrombosis after surgery

The list of measures to prevent the formation of thrombi after surgery includes:

  1. Early ascent and walking after surgery.
  2. Wearing special compression jersey.
  3. Massage of the lower extremities.

Aspirin for the prevention of thrombosis

Taking Aspirin for the prevention of thrombosis is shown in the following categories of patients: