How to store viburnum for the winter?

The vine leaves have invaluable properties. The only thing that prevents to use it in fresh form is taste. He does not like everyone by nature. When the first frosts strike, the berry acquires a pleasant taste. But even here lovers of the Kalina await disappointment. It will not be long to eat berries. Therefore, the actual question becomes how to store the berries of the viburnum?

The most suitable time to collect the viburnum is late autumn, after the first frosts. You should not pick a berry one by one. From this, its properties will deteriorate. It is correct to cut the brush with a pruner.

How to store the viburnum in the refrigerator?

At home, the berry is stored in a cool room or on a balcony. To freeze the berries, the viburnum directly in the hands is put in a loosely closed container. He is placed in a refrigerator or a cool cellar. For several months the useful properties of the viburnum will persist.

When the berries are stored in an apartment where there is no cold cellar, they proceed as follows. Kalina is packaged in packages or containers. It is not washed, stems are not removed. They are needed to prevent the juice from flowing out. Dry berry will remain crumbly after freezing. This is the answer to the question of how to store Kalina for the winter without sugar.

How to store viburnum with sugar?

Another suitable way to preserve the useful properties of the viburnum is to rub it with sugar. To do this, it is important to sort out the berries, separate substandard, rinse and dry. Turning berries into a homogeneous mass can be done using a sieve, a blender or a meat grinder. In this case, the bones do not separate, otherwise the precious juice will be lost.

The ground mass is mixed with sugar in a 1: 2 ratio. That is, sugar should be twice as much. Then it is laid out in jars and hidden in the refrigerator.

Not many people know how to store viburnum for the winter or suggest that it is too difficult. In fact, everything is very simple, and this process will not take you much effort.