Fertilizer "Crystalon"

It is not a secret that when using universal or fertilizers intended for certain crops, it is possible to achieve much greater yields. But at the same time, not all complexes of minerals and trace elements are equally safe and effective. This article is devoted to the review of the products of the Norwegian concern "Yar" - the manufacturer, who has over 100 years of experience in the manufacture of highly effective and safe mineral fertilizers of the widest range of applications.

General information

The brand "Yar" is usually identified with a rich harvest and fertility of the soil. In order to assume that consumers of this product have every reason! Only in the territory of the CIS countries, the area on which the mineral complexes are used amounts to about 2,500,000 hectares, and this value only increases with time! Benefits from the use of fertilizers "Crystal" is obvious! After all, with the costs in the range of 3-5 dollars per 1 hectare for the introduction of these mineral complexes, the revenue from the harvest reaches 70-75 dollars. Moreover, these fertilizers are equally effective when used in both open and closed ground. Particularly fond of the owners of greenhouse farms fertilizer "Crystal Cucumber" and "Crystal for Tomatoes." To do this, farmers have many reasons, among which, in addition to economy, we can note the high environmental safety of these mineral mixtures.

It should be noted that the composition of Kristalon fertilizers is unique today, because there are no harmful impurities in it! Therefore, top dressing with Kristalon is much safer than using any other mineral additives similar in composition.

In the next section, we will go into more detail about the issues for which and how to use the Kristalon fertilizer to get the maximum effect from its use.


If the consumer has no experience of using mineral additives as such, it makes sense to start with the "Crystal Universal". This fertilizer is a complex of minerals, as well as microelements, which are necessary for the development and formation of fruits of absolutely any crops, including garden and home flowers . When using it, there is an increase in the resistance of plants to diseases, as well as a sudden drop in temperatures or long dry periods. This fertilizer is a perfectly balanced amount of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, as well as other trace elements, which favorably affect the assimilation of basic components by plants. This mixture is applicable both for root and for sheet dressing of any crops growing on the open ground or in a greenhouse.

Fans of home and street flowers had time to appreciate the benefits of using the "Crystal flower". This mixture is particularly effective when used during the growing season. After all, in this period of time, garden and pet favorites, as never before, need a full-fledged diet. With the application of the presented fertilizer, the beginning of flowering of plants is noted, as well as a significant increase in its duration.

Farmers who have large plots of land, and those who do not mind getting a good harvest from their 10 acres, have been using since the beginning of the growing of seedlings "Kristalon tomato", "Kristalon potato", "Crystal cucumber". Owners of vineyards or plantings from berry crops will be very useful and effective "Kristalon berry".

The use of the above complex mineral additives significantly increases the yield, favors the formation of healthy plants, makes the flowering of garden and house flowers early, and much more prolonged.