Transplanting strawberries in spring

Some varieties of strawberries are able to winter in a "hibernation" of cold, and in the spring again begin to turn green. For experienced gardeners, this period means that it's time to tackle a spring strawberry transplant. This article will provide a lot of useful information to beginning amateur gardeners, which will help them in the future to collect a plentiful harvest of this fragrant berry.

General information

The best period when you can begin to transplant the strawberries after the winter "sleep" in spring is the beginning of May. By this time the strawberry begins a period of very active vegetative growth, including the root system. It is during this period that the plant will most painlessly transfer the transplant. So, what do you need to know to make everything work out the best way?

The first thing to do is to inspect the berry bushes for the fact of their damage in the winter. This can be easily identified: if the plant does not have fresh green foliage, then this is a clear sign that it has died. Also, it is necessary to thin the weak bushes, they are determined by the meager gardening with respect to neighboring plants. Both those and other plants should be changed to young, healthy and strong. Otherwise, part of the area allocated for growing berries, it will be useless to stand idle.

Sick plants are still to be removed, they can be identified by the presence of gray-brown plaque on the stems at the base. Such bushes are also better to be set aside from healthy ones so that the disease takes on the scale of the "garden epidemic". After general acquaintance with the essence of the matter, we propose to go to the section in which it is described in detail how correctly to transplant the strawberries in the spring.

Spring transplant

When asked whether strawberries can be transplanted in the spring, the answer is short and clear - it is possible and necessary, especially if the cases are similar to those described in the article above. The plants to be transplanted are removed by digging them under the root. After this manipulation, the remaining fossa is made a little wider and deeper. At its bottom is poured 5-10 centimeters of sand, mixed with a small amount of vermiculite. This technique allows you to give the plant more frequent watering, without fear that the roots can get wet due to a delay in the soil moisture. Young strawberry bushes should be planted, not sweeping their roots, and not deepening them into the ground more than laid. A young plant should be planted on the same level as the one-year-old bushes. The soil around the bush is slightly tamped, and then slightly loosened at the surface. Thus, the soil is lighter and faster passes to the roots of the bush moisture, the plant receives more nutrients.

After 12-15 days it is necessary to make top dressing with a "berry" water-soluble fertilizer. This will help the plant to quickly grow stronger and grow. It should not be forgotten that strawberries are a gentle culture, so it is best to water the plants with warm, warm water, warmed by the spring sun in the tank.

Processing and fertilizers

After the transplant, strawberry bushes need constant feeding , preferably at least twice a month. If you do not belong to the supporters of the application of garden chemistry, then you can replace water-soluble fertilizers with diluted manure or bird droppings.

It should not be forgotten that rarely a strawberry is thrown by the invasion of aphids. The presence of these garden pests on the plant is fraught with drying of the leaves and a significant loss of yield. In the case of the appearance of these uninvited guests, it is better to always have a packet of another excellent "Actellik" at hand, which in a matter of hours is capable of exterminating all parasites, making plants for them permanently unsuitable for eating.

Sincerely we hope that this article will help you grow a decent harvest of strawberries and please the family with fragrant berries and billets from them!