What you can not eat a nursing mother?

The birth of a baby is a miracle. A caring mother knows that breastfeeding is the best food for a newborn, and no dry mixtures will replace it. That the child grew and developed, the mother's nutrition should be balanced, vitaminized, not very abundant. After giving birth, the mother's body is weakened, to restore strength and energy, it is necessary that the diet contains all useful and mineral substances, as well as protein and abundant drinking. What foods can not be nursed and why, whether alcohol is available, when to feed the child if they still drank a drink of alcohol - these questions will be answered.

What can not be done with breastfeeding?

Despite such testimony for the mother, there are still restrictions, especially in the first months of breastfeeding in the mother's diet. Why can not the fats be fried - the answer to this question is simple: the digestive system of the baby is not properly established, the intestine is not inhabited with bifidobacteria, so when the mother gets fried foods, the child's organism will react with pain, swelling, intestinal colic. What can not be eaten with lactation: Mom should abandon salted and pickled vegetables, and everything that can contain vinegar, from smoked products, from flour, sweet, alcoholic, citrus, honey, whole milk.

What categorically can not be nursing?

Of course, categorically can not be nursing alcohol, even sip wine or live beer, as many say. Alcohol with milk enters the body of the child, thereby affecting his physical and mental development.

Why can not breastfeeding be red?

Vegetables, fruits and berries of red color or with a red skin can cause an allergic rash in the child, for the same reason you can not eat honey, citrus, much sweet.

Why not breastfeeding mother?

Because empty carbohydrates and elevated sugar in the blood are contraindicated to the baby and the mother. Also, a large number of eaten sweet mothers can affect the baby's face with a rash of white pimples, which go away by themselves in 4-5 days, but still show that the newborn's body can not cope with so many carbohydrates.

Why can not breastfeeding milk?

A large amount of milk drunk by a mother can cause intestinal colic in a child, especially it is worth giving up whole milk, since it is too fat. The amount of milk added to the mother's food during the day should not exceed 150 grams. In the diet should necessarily introduce kefir, as it restores the strength of the mother's body, improves the work of the intestines and the mother and child.

Why can not garlic be lactated?

There is an opinion that eaten garlic, as well as onions, getting into milk, spoils its taste.

Why can not cucumbers be nursing?

Cucumbers should not be taken into the ration of the nursing mother until the groundwater begins to appear. Greenhouse cucumbers, which are sold in supermarkets, can contain pesticides and nitrates, which can harm a child's immature body.

When can not breastfeed?

Doctors forbid breastfeeding a child after drinking alcohol. How much you can not feed after alcohol? You can not feed until your mother gets sober, although the critical concentration of alcohol in milk will be 30 minutes after drinking. Only after processing the liver with alcohol, after about two hours, you can put the baby to the chest.

What foods are not yet available for breastfeeding mothers?

Non-natural and too fatty foods, such as:

During breastfeeding, try to limit the purchase of ready-made foods, try to eat only what you have prepared yourself, fresh and nutritious, and then the baby will be satisfied and satisfied.