Solarium with breastfeeding

The popularity of solariums for today is very high. A lot of people are looking for people who want to buy a bronze tan before the beginning of the beach season, to paint on the beach from the very beginning not with pale skin, but with a beautiful tanned body.

It is known that tan hides small skin imperfections, bruises under the eyes, makes the figure visually more slender and smart. Is not this the dream of every woman who recently gave birth, always not getting enough sleep and does not have time to adjust the figure?

But there are many questions related to the "artificial sun". Can I breastfeed my mother in the solarium? Will this affect the production of milk? Will not artificial beams harm mom and baby?

To answer all these questions, you need to first have an idea of ​​what a solarium is and what the principle of its action is.

About the solarium

The operating principle of this miracle machine is in the production of rays almost identical to solar ones. Under their influence, human skin produces melanin, which stains it in golden color.

In total, there are three types of rays - A, B and C. The latter type is the most dangerous, but under natural conditions it does not pass through the protective layer of the atmosphere. There is no this type of radiation in the solarium. There act rays of type A and B. In this case, all machines differ in the percentage of rays. 1% of type B rays are considered soft radiation, whereas 2.5% and 3% are already heavier radiation. Sunbathing in such machines must be strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

Solarium with breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, the solarium, of course, is undesirable. But the unanimous opinion of doctors on this issue still does not exist. No one imposed a "veto" on him, but it is necessary to be reinsured before going to a solarium.

From the point of view of the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the solarium is not dangerous in case of GV, since it does not influence the production of milk. But it must be taken into account that during the period of breastfeeding, the secretion of growth hormones increases in women. In addition to the growth of the breast, for example, moles can increase.

That is, a solarium for nursing mothers can cause the growth of existing moles and the emergence of new ones. In addition to birthmarks, pigmentation spots can form, which is not very pleasant.

In addition, when deciding to visit a solarium during lactation, you should know that during the procedure the body loses a lot of fluid. And this necessarily affects the amount of milk. Therefore, after each procedure should restore the water balance in the body and make up for fluid loss.

On precautions when visiting a tanning bed during lactation

By the way, this applies not only to nursing mothers, but also all those who want to buy bronze tan in the shortest possible time. Having come to the salon, first of all ask to give you a certificate for a solarium. Next - you need to show documents that would confirm the timely change of lamps in the car. The thing is that they have a shelf life depending on the brand of the solarium. On average, it is from 300 to 1000 hours. At the end of the period, the protective layer disappears in the lamps, and the radiation becomes simply uncontrolled.

But if the lamps were replaced more recently, this is not a reason for joy - at first their action is particularly intense. So instead of the usual 5 minutes, pay 2.5. That is, reduce the time of stay "under the sun".

Solarium during lactation: special bans

If you have many moles (for example, more than 100), then you can not visit the solarium. The ban also applies to people with thyroid disease, bronchial asthma, gynecological problems, kidney disease, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, dermatitis and tuberculosis.

You can not visit the solarium, if you take hormonal drugs, birth control pills, drugs to reduce blood pressure.

In any case, you should discuss with your doctor the possibility of visiting you with a solarium and act only with his permission.