How to grow peanuts?

It was always believed that this type of legumes can only grow in hot countries, so almost no one in Russia tried to grow peanuts. However, the modern possibilities of gardening allow us to successfully grow exotic plants even in our uneasy climate. There are bold farmers who even know how to grow peanuts in the Urals! But in this article we will grow it in the middle latitudes.

Planting and caring for peanuts

Everything begins with the right choice of soil - it must be loose and water-permeable. To grow peanuts in the open, it is best to live in the south of the country, but in the middle band you can succeed.

So, how and where to grow peanuts in the country? The main thing is that the plant is always sunny on the planting site. It should be sown in the spring, but not too early - the weather should be stably warm. Therefore, the middle of May is the best for us.

The ground temperature should not be below 12 ° C. Prepare holes in advance by placing them in staggered order. The depth of the holes is 10 cm, and between them should be about 0.5 meters, between the rows - 25 cm. In each hole, put 3 seeds, water it is not necessary.

During growth and development, peanuts do not require special care. It is necessary from time to time to loosen the soil, to remove weeds, to water not abundantly and only once a week.

Harvest time

Peanuts grows a month after planting. The height of the stems reaches 50-70 cm. When the stem fades, it tends to the ground and sprouts into it. And it is in the land that nuts are ripened, which for this and got a second name - earthen. When the leg is lowered into the ground, the bush should be bored like a potato and not watered (only in cases of prolonged drought you can slightly water it).

Harvest time, when the leaves have turned yellow. The forks break through the bushes, separate the beans and dry (but not in the open sun). From one bush, you can collect about 0.5 kg of peanuts.