Eustoma - growing and important recommendations for beginners

Perhaps, there are few plants in the world that, like the eustoma, leave no one indifferent. It is simply impossible to pass by an unusually painted "rose", besides having no thorns. The beauty-eustoma, cultivation of which is possible both as a room and garden plant, is gaining unprecedented popularity these days.

What does eustoma look like?

Lysianthus or eustoma room is a herbaceous plant with highly branching stems an average of 50-70 cm in height. Undiluted buds of lisianthus are easily confused with roses, and in a loose state they are more like poppy blossoms. In nature, all three species of this plant are known, but only one of them is used in culture: a large-flowered eustoma. It served as the basis for breeding a variety of varieties and hybrids, covering the entire color range of colors and differing in the height of the stems and the degree of terry buds.

Varieties of eustoma

Eustoma - a flower for many years, but in a temperate climate is grown as an annual. Tall grades, whose height exceeds 50 cm, are traditionally grown in gardens and greenhouses for cutting, and stunted as indoor plants. Double eustoma (double) pleases the eye with unusually large (up to 7 cm in diameter) and lush flowers, and non-single (single) impresses with exquisite rigor of forms.

Low-grown hybrids and varieties:

Tall hybrids and varieties:

Eustoma - landing

At observance of all recommendations tender and fragile externally eustoma, cultivation in house conditions suffers extremely well. Unfortunately, none of the vegetative ways to multiply it will not succeed - the cuttings will not take root, and attempts to divide the rhizome will lead to the death of both the baby and the mother plant. In the arsenal of the gardener there is only a planting of eustoma to grow seedlings. True, it is unlikely to be able to collect the seeds independently - the extraordinarily beautiful hybrids of the eustoma of the seeds do not form.

Eustoma - growing from seeds

There is an opinion that lisianthus is very moody and it is possible to get viable seedlings only for rare lucky ones. But with the right approach, its cultivation will certainly succeed. Let us examine in more detail the question of how to grow from seeds such a plant as eustoma:

  1. Choose the seeds. To find a planting material of eustoma on sale is not difficult. Since the seeds are very small, they are sold in the form of granules - seeds, covered with a special nutrient shell. For the first cultivation experiments, it is better to choose a short-lived indoor eustoma variety.
  2. We stock up all necessary. To carry out landing operations, small vessels filled with light, well-permeable soil and water (substrate), for example, ready-mixed soil for senpolia, will be required. It is also necessary to prepare polyethylene or glass for a mini-greenhouse and a fluorescent lamp for organizing the necessary light conditions.
  3. We sow seedlings. From the dropping of seeds in the soil to the flowering of the first butov takes about six months. Therefore, the time to sow the eustoma falls on the period of New Year's holidays - the end of December - the beginning of January. Planted later than the eustoma, although it will grow, it will be unlikely to make it happy with flowering before the onset of cold weather. The sowing occurs superficially - granules are laid on a surface of a ground, and then plentifully humidify from an atomizer.
  4. We organize a mini-greenhouse. A visitor from hot countries, an eustoma of cultivation requires appropriate. For the seeds to successfully germinate, they need a high level of humidity, a temperature of +20 ... +25 ° C and scattered lighting for at least 14 hours a day. To create these conditions, a container with seeds should be covered with a film or glass and placed under a fluorescent lamp. Periodically (every 5-7 days), the greenhouse will have to be ventilated (10-15 minutes) and, if necessary, moisten the soil, trying not to fill the soil with seeds.

Eustoma - seedlings

The first shoots of the eustoma poke out of the earth on the 14-15 day after sowing. On average, germination of seeds can take from 3 weeks to a month. After that, the temperature of the content should be reduced to + 18 ° C. When two leaves are formed on the sprouts, seedlings should be dived in separate containers. In view of the fact that the room flower of the eustoma in this period has a miniature size, this operation can be attributed to jewelry - so gently have to act so as not to damage the roots.

At the age of 2 months the seedlings must be transplanted once more, but by the transshipment method. At the bottom of the pot must be put a thick layer of drainage . In this period it is already possible to completely reject both the greenhouse and the lightening - pots with seedlings can be placed on a well-lit window sill. Tempered so eustoma by the end of May will be completely ready for a transplant into the open ground.

How to take care of eustoma?

Guest from hot solar Mexico eustoma cultivation and care requires delicate. First of all, the owners will have to maintain a special drinking regime, so that the plant does not suffer from a lack of moisture, but it does not become a victim of rot or fungal diseases. Secondly, the roots of the eustoma do not tolerate anxiety, so the adult plant can be transplanted only in extreme cases and with the observance of all precautions.

Eustoma transplantation

To relocate seedlings in the flower garden, you can proceed when the bushes formed a full rosette of 6-8 leaves. It is best to choose a non-cloudy overcast day for this or do it in the evening. Pits for each bush should be prepared so that the seedlings are planted no deeper than growing in a pot. For the first time, eustoma care should receive careful: to conserve moisture and protect against night frosts, each bush should be covered with a cropped plastic bottle. In 2-3 weeks after transplantation this greenhouse can be removed.

Primer for eustoma

The conditions for growing the eustoma imply a maximum approximation to the natural features of the native places for this plant. Soil for the full development of the root system should let in air and water, be rich in nutrients. The planting pit can be filled with garden soil mixed with sand, peat or humus. The experience of domestic floriculturists shows that the eustoma, cultivation of which passed on chernozem, quickly embarked on growth and delighted with excellent flowering. And heavy clay soils led to a slowdown in growth and susceptibility to disease.

Eustoma plant - features of watering

Lysianthus-eustoma cultivates at home conditions only when the necessary moisture level is provided. To maintain it, you may need to install an air humidifier. Both in the room and in the garden, the eustom should be watered only after drying the top layer of the soil, ensuring that the land is always wet, but not wet. Spray this plant is highly discouraged, watering must be done under the root, using warm, standing water for this.

How to feed the seedlings of eustoma?

Speeding up the growth of seedlings and increasing its resistance to disease is possible in time carried out feeding the eustoma. For its implementation, you can use the fertilizer "Kemira luxury", preparations "Zircon" and HB-101. This will help the seedlings build up the root system and grow stronger. It will not be superfluous to repeat the procedure and 10-14 days after planting the seedlings to a permanent location. During the flowering period, it is recommended that the eustoma be fed once every 6 weeks with fertilizer for flowering plants.

Diseases of the eustoma

Like other lovers of humid climate, eustoma is prone to various fungal diseases. A tragedy for a lushly flowering plant can result in damage by gray rot or powdery mildew . Seedling often perishes at the root as a result of a black leg injury. In the nature of eustoma - a flower for many years, but in the domestic climate, dampness and related diseases lead to its death in the first year of life. The regular spraying with fungicides will help with the problem: "Aktellik", "Confidor", "Fitoverm".