Processing strawberries after harvesting

To care for plants in the garden is necessary not only to ensure that they yield fruit, but also after fruiting. For example, processing strawberries after harvest is very necessary, because it affects the laying of future berries. Therefore, if you want to annually collect a large amount of strawberries, then you should know what it is.

How to properly handle strawberries after harvest?

Proper care of strawberries after harvesting is the complex implementation of the following activities:

Let's look at each of these types of work in more detail.

How often to water strawberries after harvest?

It all depends on the weather. It is necessary that the soil in the garden with strawberries is deeply moistened, so it is recommended to do abundant watering, but not often. To moisture persisted in the soil, it is recommended to cover the plantation. For this, peat is perfect.

It is very important not to allow the formation around the tender roots of the strawberry crust, so it is necessary to loosen the top layer after each irrigation. The rows are deeper, but near the bushes, not to damage the rhizome of the strawberry.

What to feed strawberries in the summer after harvesting?

For a good harvest of strawberries, it is more important not to feed in spring, namely in summer, after it ceases to bear fruit. It is in the second half of summer and early autumn that flower buds are laid, which determine the future harvest of berries.

For the summer fertilizing is recommended to take specially designed for this plant complex mineral fertilizer. Make it at a rate of 25-30 g per 1 m2. You can also use ammophosco, wood ash or humus. Avoid only chlorine-containing drugs, because strawberries do not like this element.

Any fertilizer must be well embedded in the soil, combining this process with abundant irrigation, weed removal, loosening and hilling of bushes.

Do you need to cut strawberries after harvest?

If you want to get large and sweet berries, then yes. Since July the second wave of growth of foliage begins, therefore it is necessary to get rid of last year's ones, while keeping new ones. First of all, it is necessary to cut already withering and damaged, healthy ones can be left on the bush. This will help strawberries to better survive the winter.

In addition to the young leaves on the strawberry bushes, the mustache grows actively in the summer. They too should be cleaned. If you want to get a few new seedlings, they should be rooted and left, and the rest cut off. Do this regularly, because too many of them only take away from the plant extra strength, which will then affect the crop.

How can you sprinkle strawberries after harvest?

Summer months after berries are the best time to take care of your strawberry health. This plant can be infected with various pests and diseases, such as:

  1. Strawberry mite. You can determine by deformation of young leaves. Get Rid will help spraying with Fitoverm, Actellik, Titovit Jet or a solution of colloidal sulfur.
  2. Viral diseases. Brown patches appear on the leaf platinum. Treatment requires Bordeaux fluid treatment.
  3. Fungal diseases (gray rot). Determined by rotting berries. The bushes should be treated with a solution of chloride copper oxide.

Cure strawberries from them you can get rid of the infected parts of the plant and after processing with special preparations. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to water the soil on the bed and spray the leaves of the strawberry with a weak solution of potassium permanganate .