The most evil dog in the world

The most important rule that must be remembered for pet lovers: "the beast always remains a beast." After all, sometimes even a small and fluffy baby can inflict serious physical harm on a person.

To protect you from such troubles, we suggest to get acquainted with the rating of the most evil dogs in the world. To tell the truth, there are many criteria by which one can judge the danger of a pet for people. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which breed of dogs is most evil. However, there are "special" breeds, which by their nature in a state of aggression are able to turn into a ruthless beast. More about them you will now find out.

The most evil breed of dogs in the world

The least dangerous representative of this category is the Canarian Great Dane . He has a very menacing appearance, revealing inner strength and power, while the dog is quite balanced and very attached to its owner. He treats strangers with suspicion, which demonstrates a special guarded pose, and when threatened by the master, he rushes lightly into defense.

Ninth place in the category of the most evil breeds of dogs in the world is the German Shepherd . It is distinguished by physical strength, fearlessness, a balanced temper and the ability to find a common language with many masters. However, in a rage, this "human friend" is capable of grazing serious damage to any enemy.

Eighth place belongs to the soft and fluffy Chinese chow-chow . This breed has a melancholic and calm character. However, despite such a disguising "toy-bear" face, the chow-chow is considered one of the most evil dogs in the world. In aggression the pet becomes uncontrollable, can rush to any stranger who tried to play with him.

The Doberman is in seventh place. Beautiful, large, stately animals, possess an elegant, strong, muscular physique, excellent protective qualities and endurance. Dobermans are friendly, love children, but they have an "explosive" temperament, and become particularly dangerous to others in a rage.

The Caucasus is also considered one of the most evil dogs in the world. The sheepdog of this breed is known for its large size and long beautiful coat. They are good at training, smart and hardy. They do not trust the strangers with confidence. Therefore, due to all these qualities, one can only imagine what the Caucasian can do with a potential "pest".

The fifth place in our list of the most evil breeds of dogs in the world belongs to Dalmatians . They are very friendly and good-natured, but behind this mask lies stubbornness and inner independence. Dalmatians are difficult to train, which is very necessary, and if you try to pacify, it can pounce on a person and cause serious injuries.

The German boxer takes the fourth place in the ranking. Their frightening appearance, immediately suggests a danger, but these dogs are very peaceful. "By the arm" strong and stocky boxers usually come across those who try to make them angry, forcefully execute commands or harm the owner. In a state of aggression the boxer jaws tightly enough to the opponent, down to choking.

The third place in the category of the most evil dogs in the world belongs to the bull terrier . Having a muscular strong constitution and an incredibly strong jaw, the representatives of the breed are capable of causing significant damage to health not only to man, but to other domestic pets. If improper education can harm the owner himself.

The second in the top 10 most evil dogs in the world appears Rottweiler . A muscular, well-built body, strong jaws and a stubborn and assertive character are the main qualities of the breed. The Rottweiler serves only one master, and in case of danger, rushes to his aid, turning into a cruel and incredibly evil defender.

Pitbull legitimately gained fame of the most evil breed of dogs in the world. He has excellent fighting qualities, and during the fight he does not let go of his victim until he is sure that she is dead. Unfortunately, often pitbulls attack people. Therefore, since you have taken up the education of this dog, give it proper attention, so as not to grow a real killer.