Joy to give: 25 unexpected bonuses in response to gratitude

Were you ever faced with a choice: to thank a person with a simple "thank you" or take help for granted?

According to a large number of scientific studies, a person experiences great joy (on the moral and physical levels, and especially in interpersonal relationships), giving away than receiving. But it is difficult to be grateful when it does not have the strength due to the difficulties that we face every day. We all want to be better. So let's change our life from small.

1. According to studies conducted at the University of Warwick in England, simple human gratitude helps to prevent stress, anxiety and depression.

2. Professor of Psychology of the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences, Nathan Deuoll, put forward the hypothesis that grateful people are less aggressive, and they are not so easily out of themselves.

3. According to observations of scientists at the University of Kent, USA, the practice of gratitude makes people happier.

It can manifest itself in different ways, for example, participants in an uncomplicated experiment raised their spirits by sending letters of gratitude to people who left a positive mark on their lives. So, next time, when it's sad, better write a letter to someone you are very grateful for.

4. Gratitude should be manifested in different ways, otherwise it will turn into a routine that will not bring any pleasure.

5. The data of scientific research confirm the fact that, regardless of individual traits of character, any gratitude has a positive effect on the overall psychological state of a person.

6. A grateful person is grateful in everything and is ready to help anyone, even a stranger.

7. In 2014, an article appeared in which it was about friendship: the usual phrase "It was nice to meet" could lead to long-term friendly relations.

8. Appearance of gratitude increases the level of activity of the hypothalamus, which plays an important role in the regulation of higher functions, such as memory and emotional state, and thus participates in the formation of various aspects of human behavior.

9. Grateful people are not only less aggressive, but also more empathic - able to put themselves in the shoes of others.

10. According to the results of the research, the scientists concluded that grateful people often go in for sports.

11. Scientifically proven that gratitude increases self-esteem, as it reduces the need for comparison with others.

12. Also contributes to a prolonged sound sleep.

13. You will laugh, but grateful people have a daily fat intake of 25% less than that of the mean to gratitude.

14. Psychologists say that it is very useful to keep a diary of gratitude - this is a great way to restore mental strength.

15. It is said that grateful adolescents achieve excellent results in training.

16. Studies have shown a directly proportional dependence of gratitude and the absence of cardiovascular diseases.

17. As mentioned earlier in this article, gratitude affects not only the physical, but also the moral state of a person. People who have experienced strong life shocks, say they coped, in part, thanks to a sense of gratitude to someone for their kindness and attention.

18. The secret of sexuality and attractiveness is also to be grateful.

19. A sense of gratitude is an excellent make-up for the brain.

20. Grateful people are successful at work. They often achieve their goals.

21. When a person is grateful for what he has, and does not seek to get everything at once, this has a positive effect on his financial well-being.

22. Acknowledgment - it is also in Africa thanksgiving - helps to get rid of feelings of loneliness and strengthen relationships.

23. The practice of gratitude reloads our brain and sets up positive thinking.

24. It is hard to believe, but the feeling of gratitude affects even the arterial pressure and immunity of a person.

25. Gratitude is contagious! Naturally, in a good sense of the word. Share your gratitude, and she will not return to you again and again!