Bloody discharge in a cat after childbirth

Cats very often become pets, so changes in their health condition cause us anxiety. Like any female, the cat can have vaginal discharge. Watching your pet, you need to be able to determine whether this phenomenon is normal or the consequence of a pathological process in the animal's body, which requires urgent medical intervention.

Bloody discharge in a cat and their causes

Blood formation is caused by abnormalities in the development of genital organs or urinary tracts, as well as inflammatory processes of various types, including bacterial infections. Other causes include injuries or accidental foreign body exposure. But most often we are disturbed by blood discharge in a cat after childbirth .

To give birth to kittens, the cat takes several hours, and only sometimes this process is delayed for a day or more. The postpartum period is accompanied by excreta, which in the form of traces can be observed up to three weeks. If the birth was without complications, you should not worry. Another thing is when the fetus or placenta is delayed. It is recommended to count the number of successions by the number of born kittens. Nature has made sure that the cat eats its afterbirth. They contain a very important for her body hormone - oxytocin, which is a stimulant of childbirth and the appearance of milk. The delay of the placenta can provoke bleeding, so the color, smell and amount of discharge is of particular importance. It is necessary to know, that scarlet, plentiful or having an unpleasant odor of allocation, threaten the life of Lyubyubitsy.

What should I do if there is a discharge?

In the case when you see a cat's bloody discharge and do not know what to do, quickly analyze the situation. With normal births, you only need to watch the mother and her cubs, creating the best conditions for them. If you had to witness a birth with complications, you need to immediately seek help from a veterinarian. You may need surgery, prescribing antibiotics or other drugs, such as oxytocin. It is very important that the help was provided on time, because the life of our pets depends on us.