How many times a day to feed the puppy?

During the first year of life of the puppy, his feeding should be given special attention. This determines the correct formation of teeth, bones, animal wool cover. The lack of adequate nutrition can lead to the development of a serious disease - rickets . Compared with an adult dog puppy for proper development requires much more vitamins and nutrients. There is a definite relationship between the need for food and the breed of the puppy, the degree of its activity and even the temperature of the air at a certain time of the year.

How often to feed the puppies?

If the owner has a puppy for the first time, then the question arises how many times a day the puppy should be fed at 2, 4 months, 6 months, etc. It is advisable for at least two weeks of the puppy's stay in your home to feed him the way it is did his former masters. After all, the move itself is already a great stress for the baby. Since the stomach of the kitten is small, then it should be fed in small portions, but often. Until the age of two months, puppies are fed every 3 hours six times a day. A three-month-old puppy can be fed five times a day, and portions can be increased. By four months the dog is fed 4 times a day. An animal older than half a year is fed three times, and a one-year-old, already grown-up dog, twice a day.

The feeding time should be selected according to your regimen. Regular feeding of the dog will promote good work of its intestines, besides it will be easier for the owner to accustom the puppy to the toilet.

Food for the puppy should be warm. You can not give a small animal neither too cold, nor hot food. After the puppy has eaten, the bowl must be cleaned. But the container with clean and fresh water should stand constantly within reach of the dog.

Puppy should not be overfed. Signs of overfeeding in the absence of disease is the puppy's lethargy, phlegmatic and unwillingness to run for a walk. If in the bowl remains food, not eaten by the puppy, then you need to reduce the portion.

If you notice that the puppy has dandruff, and the wool has become dry, then this is evidence of a lack of food in vegetable oil. Puppy is useful to give every day the usual chalk, fish oil, egg shell, crushed in a coffee grinder. From the age of five months, the dog is given sulfur at the tip of the knife and dried brewer's yeast, and from 5 months - small beef pits.

Veterinarians recommend the use of combined moist and dry rations for feeding puppies.