Trichophytosis in dogs

Trichophytosis in animals - skin fungal disease, in other words, "ringworm." This disease is quite dangerous, it is transmitted not only from the animal to the animal, but also from the animal to the human. Any dog ​​can become infected with trichophytosis, regardless of age and breed. This disease is transmitted from rodents, through contaminated liquid, food, any other object. Such things can be dishes, furniture, bedding, toys, etc.

The following groups of animals are most vulnerable to infection with trichophytosis: stray dogs, dogs with weak immunity, hungry animals, dogs with lice and worms, and newly strained puppies.

Symptoms of trichophytosis

Ringworm becomes noticeable on the body of the dog only when there are rounded areas with broken hair. Such affected areas are covered with scales and crust, they have a gray color.

Usually affected areas trichophytosis appear on the neck in dogs, as well as the head and limbs of the animal. If the disease is neglected, the places with the lichen will grow, and eventually will merge into a single sick zone. There is also a more severe stage of the disease, which is accompanied by suppuration of the subcutaneous layer. Ringworm can also affect the nails, in this case they become coarse and thick, which gives the animal discomfort.

Treatment of trichophytosis in dogs

With trichophytosis, self-medication is not recommended, it is necessary to contact the veterinary clinic for a doctor's consultation. After the veterinarian has diagnosed, the complex treatment is appointed - nyxes and tablets necessarily coincide with ointments and shampoos .

There are many options than treating trichophytosis:

It is advisable to take care of the animal in advance, for this it is necessary to systematically vaccinate .