Burnt parrot - care and maintenance at home

Graceful and quick-witted bird is an ocher-eaten parrot, care and maintenance, the feeding and breeding of which is not difficult, perfectly takes root in captivity, quickly gets used to the owners, becoming a favorite of the family. Communicating with pets, caring for them, brings joy to the owners, parrots are funny, they can be taught human speech.

The parrot is a parrot

The main features in describing the appearance of an ocherrel parrot are the following:

You can meet a wide variety of species of the burnt parrot, they all have exotic beauty, the ability to memorize words and sounds, wit, which made them popular for home care and maintenance. The most famous species are:

Burnt parrot - color

The main color of the feathers of the parrot, related to the rock of the burnt, is green, but there are often small color inclusions in the color. The males have, on the neck circumference, a bright pink-red stripe or a "tie". In the tail of the burnt parrot there are two bright blue feathers, which have the longest length. You can meet birds with an unusual color, this occurs as a result of breeding them by selection, while the color of the plumage occurs white, blue and even variegated.

How many years does the parakeet burn?

If you have an ozherelovy parrot in your house, care and maintenance comply with the rules, the life expectancy of the pet can be from 14 to 30 years or more, depending on the species . Longevity among the ozherevalovyh parrots can be called the Indian ringed. The shortest life span of an emerald ringed parrot, it does not exceed 14 years. Determining the age of the burnt parrot, note that the nestlings are paler than feathers, the eyes are darker and the beak is lighter than in adult birds.

Burnt Parrot - content

The maintenance and care of the parrot need to provide him with physical and emotional comfort, keeping cleanliness and hygiene - they are important aspects for the preservation of health and long life of the bird. The parrot at home can be kept in a cage or in an enclosure. An avian content is rational if you have an intention to do breeding parrots. In any case, the conditions of maintenance and care must be ensured as follows:

The parrot is a parrot

The parrot at home needs a personal space, therefore the cell is chosen spacious, made of thick rods, in which it is possible to equip a feeding bowl, a playground with various perches, rope attachments. The best location of the rods is horizontal, so it is more convenient for the pet to climb along the walls of the cage. At the bottom of the cage, install a tray that can easily be pulled out for care and cleaning, parrots do not like dirt, they are clean.

Parrot Eating Parrot

The contained parakeet parakeet requires constant care and hygienic measures. The main rules, which are very important, while keeping and keeping captive parrots in captivity, are the following:

  1. Regular care of the parrot's home, careful cleaning of the habitat at least once in 6-8 days.
  2. Everyday washing of the trough and drinkers (in order to avoid spreading of rapidly multiplying infections and bacteria), fresh food and water.
  3. Bathing pets. It is possible to spray a bird every day or two or three times in 7-10 days in a cage with a container of warm water and give the pet himself to peel and feather in it.
  4. The right combination of various foods in the diet.
  5. Affectionate treatment of the bird, inadmissibility of raising the voice - otherwise the parrot will be afraid of you and experience a state of stress.

Burnt parrot - what to feed?

Like most ornamental feathered pets, even an adult ozherelovy parrot requires a daily, most balanced diet, the basis of which are grains:

Ready mixes get in pet stores, with self-mixing necessarily add trace elements and vitamins, their lack will adversely affect the health of pets. Determine the rate of feed eaten by a bird per day, usually this is one or two tablespoons, and give it in the morning, once a day. For the correct, balanced nutrition of the parasite, it is necessary to periodically feed them:

Ozherelovoi parrot - breeding

Selecting pairs for future offspring, choose healthy, mobile individuals, not younger than 2-3 years. Install in the cage or aviary cupboard (nesting house), fill not the bottom of the sawdust, and set the eggs on the laying of eggs (from 2 to 6 pieces) female. The period of hatching eggs is 3-3.5 weeks. Hatching chicks are in the nest for 6 more weeks, then leave it, but for 2-3 weeks their parents feed and take care of them.

In most cases, people try to acquire males, they have a more vivid color and are of a larger size, so it is very important to know how to determine the sex of the parrot. Until the age of three it is difficult to distinguish a male from a female, this task is not always possible even for the ornithologist. In the fourth year of life, males show a bright strip on the neck or necktie, females are deprived of this feature.

Burnt Parakeet - Diseases

A captive parrots living in captivity, whose care and maintenance do not comply with the rules, may become ill, here are a few reasons that lead to health problems:

Often in the case of burned parrots, there are diseases:

  1. Respiratory system . Appear because of hypothermia, a draft, or are transmitted from already ill fellows.
  2. Gastrointestinal . Frequent disorders in the body are due to poor feed.
  3. Problems with the eyes . They arise because of a lack of vitamin A, poor maintenance.
  4. Presence of parasites . Appear because of poor care, or transmitted by puhoperoidami (mites).

At the age of three, four months, the period of the first moult begins in the parasite, and lasts 1.5-2 months, then it occurs twice a year. At this time, the bird is stressed, it needs better care and nutrition, give it more mineral and nutrients, vitamins. For the period when the parasite is shedding, pay special attention, if the process is protracted - this is an alarming symptom, show the pet to the ornithologist.