Tyra Banks broke up with her son's father

Tyra Banks and the subject of her love, photographer Eric Asla, decided to part after five years of the novel. The birth of the son of York did not save their relationship from the collapse.

This is the end!

The heart of the non-replaceable leading reality show "Top Model in American" by 43-year-old Tyra Banks is again free. About this, referring to reliable sources, Western tabloids report. Supermodel and fashion photographer Eric Asla, without mutual offenses and accusations, decided to part ways.

Tyra Banks last week

Taire's beloved has already collected his personal belongings and left the family nest in Los Angeles, and the couple is also selling real estate in New York, bought together.

Eric and Tyra agreed to raise a son who will be two years old in January, together and will try to ensure that their gap does not affect the interests of the child, who should have a loving father and mother. In addition, they will continue their joint work in the new season of "Top Model in American", where Asla acts as a photographer of young talents dreaming to conquer the world of fashion.

There is no smoke without fire

The first rumors about problems in relations of civil spouses arose in the summer, but then Tyra and Erik tried their best to reanimate their relationship for the sake of the son, whom they gave birth to a surrogate mother.

Tyra Banks with a newborn son
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Previously, talking about his relationship with a beloved man, the top model said that they perfectly complement each other, being in balance. What broke the balance between them? Soon this will be told by omniscient insiders.

Tyra Banks and Eric Asla in 2014