Soft shell of the tortoise - how to deal with the disease?

Such a problem, like the soft shell of a tortoise, is a symptom of a dangerous disease in an amphibian called rickets. With the initial form it is reversible, in the advanced stage the disease can not be treated well, the pet can be lost.

Why did the tortoise have a soft shell?

In a healthy reptile, the cover is solid, even, without failures and bumps, almost uniform in color. Rickets occur when there is a shortage of sunlight or artificial ultraviolet light, with calcium deficiency, vitamin D3, if the diet of the pet is monotonous, poor in useful substances. Then the armor tissue of the amphibian becomes supple, deformed when you press it with your finger, the edge flaps dome curving upwards. It is very risky if the tortoise has a soft shell, since it is necessary to treat the ailment at once, otherwise the death of the pet may occur.

Progression of the disease - complications:

At the last stage, as a result of pulmonary edema, diffuse demorrhagia, heart failure, death occurs. If a soft shell is observed in a turtle under the age of one year, then this is normal - the only exception is when one does not need to worry. The shield of the babies grumbles for the first 12 months, gradually turning into a reliable protection.

Soft shell of red-eared turtle

Often, young red-nosed individuals are affected by this disease after a year. The reason is the lack of natural or artificial lighting in the terrarium. When rickets appear, armor flexes when pressed with a finger. Without treatment, the red head of the reptile changes the outer contour of the head - the lower jaw becomes flexible, and the upper jaw resembles an avian beak. The mouth is deformed, the amphibian can not normally eat. In severe cases, the beak splits, it disappears in parts.

Soft shell of a red-bellied tortoise - what to do:

The sea turtle has a soft shell

In such reptiles the shield has a drop-shaped contour, it helps them to swiftly swim in the water. Soft shell of the sea turtle indicates a failure to comply with the conditions of the amphibian - lack of ultraviolet rays, a lack of vitamin D3 and calcium. It is necessary to correct the diet of the pet by using the necessary additives. Water in the terrarium needs to be changed and a good filter installed.

The soft shell of a tortoise

The low density of the armored tissue of the land reptile indicates a lack of vitamin D3, calcium in the body and a violation of the function of its assimilation. In time to notice the disease, you must regularly take a pet in his arms and inspect it. Land tortoise, soft shell - what to do:

  1. Replenish the body of the amphibian with D3 vitamins, not forgetting that their overdose is no less dangerous than the defect. Give drugs every 2 weeks.
  2. In the menu, calcium supplements are administered at each meal, until the pet's condition improves.
  3. The terrarium should have a UV lamp for 12 hours a day.

The tortoise had a soft shell - what should I do?

If a soft shell is found in a turtle, it is necessary to provide it with comfortable living conditions and adjust the food, saturate it with minerals and vitamins. In amphibian rickets is in the first stage, when the limbs are working normally, there are no bleeding, paresis and swelling. How to cure tortoises shell in the initial form of the disease:

If the disease is started and there are paresis of the intestines and limbs, fractures, bleeding, shortness of breath, anorexia, treatment is prescribed and conducted by a veterinarian. If the outcome is favorable, it will last 2-3 months. The first year after recovery, you will need to monitor the amphibian diet and blood counts, perform preventive measures.

Caring for tortoiseshell

In order for the pet to have no problems with the armored tissue, it is important to look after the reptilian covering. How to clean a tortoise shell:

To prevent rickets, preventive measures should be taken: