Diet to accelerate the metabolism of Haley Pomeroy

Many nutritionists do not just set out general advice, but also invent their own weight loss systems. Following the foreign celebrities who have already evaluated the diet to accelerate the metabolism of Haley Pomeroy, the advice of this dietician was just listening to people who want to lose weight. The essence of the system is that it allows you to disperse the natural metabolism and accelerate weight loss.

Hailey Pomeroy Power System

In his small book, the author details the features of the 4-week diet, thanks to which you can eat normally, and at the same time throw off extra pounds. Haley Pomeroy is sure that her system will not only improve metabolic processes and reduce weight, but also bring back to normal pressure, hormones and immunity .

So, what are the features of the diet menu of Hayley Pomeroy:

There is also a list of diet-forbidden foods, which greatly reduce the speed of metabolic processes - coffee, alcohol, sugar, corn and wheat. They are not allowed to eat all four weeks of the diet.

Product List from Haley Pomeroy

In his book, Haley Pomeroy offers recipes, but on the whole, you can create dishes yourself, based on the lists of products for different phases of the diet. In this article they are given in a small reduction.

For the first phase (the first two days of each of the four weeks), only such products are suitable:

In each of the three main meals must include protein and a false carbohydrate (cereal), and snacks should be exclusively protein.

The second phase includes such products:

In the second phase there are no cereals and no fat, drinking is still offered herbal tea or water.

The list for the third phase includes all products of the first two phases, and additionally - all kinds of berries, nuts, and healthy fats - natural vegetable oils, avocados.

According to these lists, you can independently make up your own diet menu to accelerate metabolism by the method of Haley Pomeroy. The main thing is to strictly observe the prescriptions and the sequence for each phase, and the result will not be long in coming.