Viral pharyngitis

In the cold season, as a rule, epidemics of various viral diseases begin. On their background, often accompanying pathologies, for example, inflammation of the lymphoid tissue and mucous membranes of the pharynx. Viral pharyngitis is more common than bacterial, approximately 70-80% of all cases of treatment with such a diagnosis.

Symptoms of viral pharyngitis

The clinical manifestations of the inflammatory process depend on the form in which it occurs.

Thus, acute viral pharyngitis begins with perspiration and sensation of discomfort in the throat. After 5-8 hours, more specific signs appear:

If the inflammation spreads to nearby tissues and organs, there is an irradiation of the pain syndrome in the ears.

Chronic viral pharyngitis does not have such pronounced symptoms. It worsens during a decrease in the activity of immunity, characterized by a dry cough, a perspiration, or a sensation of a coma in the throat.

How to distinguish viral pharyngitis from bacterial?

With a visual examination, it is almost impossible to determine the nature of the disease, especially in the early stages, since both viral and bacterial pharyngitis begin in the same way.

The only difference is that when infecting with microbes, the temperature of the body greatly increases, to 40 degrees. This symptom is less characteristic of viral pathology.

In any case, to clarify the diagnosis it is necessary to take an analysis of blood and mucus from the pharynx.

Treatment of viral pharyngitis

The integrated therapeutic approach includes the following measures:

  1. Compliance with bed rest.
  2. Proper nutrition - food should be warm, ground, do not irritate the mucous membranes.
  3. Abundant drink.
  4. Regular rinsing with antiseptic solutions (Miramistin, Furacilin).
  5. Admission of antiviral drugs (Cycloferon, Remantadine, Arbidol).
  6. Use of immunomodulators (Kagocel, Cytovir 3).

If necessary, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents are also prescribed.