Rezi in the abdomen

Rezi in the abdomen are always unpleasant, cause discomfort and poor health. The causes of abdominal incisions can be very diverse, since both mild disorders and serious diseases, such as appendicitis or perforated stomach ulcers, can be accompanied by colic and cuttings in the abdomen.

In cases of the appearance of cutting pains in the abdomen, it is first of all necessary to ascertain their intensity and localization.

By localization, the resi can be spilled or concentrated in any one area of ​​the abdomen, for example:

The intensity of the cuts can be different: from weak to dagger (piercing).

Rezi in the abdomen can be symptoms of various diseases. Let's consider some of them.

Acute appendicitis

Inflammation of the appendix of the cecum is a very dangerous and insidious disease that can have serious complications, for example peritonitis. Sharp bands in the abdomen can first appear near the navel, then grasp the entire abdomen, and after a few hours localize in a specific place. In the normal location of the appendage, this is the right iliac region. To constant cuts in a stomach or belly can be joined a nausea and a vomiting. There is an increase in temperature, dry mouth may occur. Sudden independent relief of pains should alert, tk. it can be associated with rupture of the appendix wall, which leads to peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) - a life-threatening complication.

Acute pancreatitis

Symptoms of pancreatic inflammation can resemble appendicitis, but as a rule, pain is more intense in intensity. Pain can be given in the back, wearing a girdling character. Rezi can be accompanied by bloating and tension of its wall, as well as nausea and vomiting.

Acute gastritis

For acute inflammation of the stomach, abdominal rezones are characteristic, especially after eating and a feeling of heaviness "under the spoon". There may be other symptoms: nausea, eructation and vomiting, decreased appetite. Resi in the abdomen, accompanied by diarrhea and fever, can speak of an acute intestinal infection.

Perforated ulcer

Rezi, wearing a sudden "dagger" character may be a symptom of perforation of a stomach or duodenum ulcer, which is extremely dangerous and can endanger human life.

All of the above situations require an urgent call of a doctor or an ambulance to resolve the issue of hospitalization and surgical treatment. Procrastination and self-treatment in such cases is unacceptable!

Other diseases

Strong rezi in the abdomen can occur with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The pain then intensifies, then subsides, usually associated with eating. You may be burdened with eructations, heartburn, nausea, a feeling of raspiraniya in the stomach due to excessive formation of gases. If the abdominal cramps are not accompanied by diarrhea and fever, then you should contact the clinic for examination and treatment. If accompanied, call an ambulance immediately.

With cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), pain, a feeling of heaviness and discomfort often arise in the right upper quadrant. May be disturbed by a decrease in appetite, bitterness in mouth, nausea and occasionally vomiting. The use of fatty, fried and spicy foods provokes rezi in the stomach immediately after eating, which can be accompanied by diarrhea or constipation.

Worms are a common cause of the occurrence of cuts and pains in the abdomen, especially in children. Infection with worms is accompanied by a decrease or increase in appetite, a general malaise, a bad dream. There may be signs of anemia, confirmed by a general blood test. If there is a suspicion of infection with worms, it is necessary to pass an analysis of stool and to pass other necessary examinations in the polyclinic at the place of residence.

Resi in the abdomen can be psychogenic, and also be a mask of other serious diseases: myocardial infarction, exfoliating aortic aneurysm, acute nephritis. It must be remembered that with cuts and pains in the abdomen, the treatment should be prescribed by the doctor after an individual examination and the necessary examinations.