Mitral valve prolapse 2 degrees

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are not just fraught with complications, they are life-threatening, because at any moment a relapse may occur. To such unpleasant diseases is the prolapse of the mitral valve of the second degree.

How does the mitral valve work?

The mitral valve is also called left or bivalve. Prolapse consists in the violation of its function. The fact is that this valve is located on the left side between the atrium and the ventricle. In the normal operation of the valve, the following should occur: the atrium is compressed, the valve opens and the blood is sent to the ventricle. The valve closes, and after contraction of the ventricle, the blood is redirected to the aorta.

If the pathology of the tissue starts to connect these organs, or the heart muscle changes, the structure of the mitral valve is disturbed. Its valves sag into the void in the left atrium, when the left ventricle contracts, and some of the blood returns back to the atrium. The magnitude of this backflow determines the prolapse of the mitral valve of the first degree or the second.

Predisposition to PMS

There is an opinion that young people are more likely to suffer from this disease, but studies show that it is not yet possible to single out a group of risk by gender, age or any other characteristics. The fact is that the prolapse of the mitral valve causes for the occurrence as such not. Scientists still do not understand, because of what it arises.

If the blood returns in the least amount, and the patient does not feel any clinical manifestations and discomfort due to regurgitation, then treatment is not required. If the return flow of blood is very high, then in some cases, even surgical intervention is carried out.

Symptoms of PMS

Active mitral valve prolapse demonstrates the following symptoms:

According to research data, the disease manifests itself only in two and a half percent of people. And two-fifths of them do not experience any symptoms at all. Tachycardia and extrasystole occur only in case of stressful situations. That is, every fourth or fifth patient does not know at all that he has prolapse of the mitral valve of the 2nd degree. Another part of the patients experience more pronounced symptoms, which they give the maximum inconvenience.

Diagnostics of PMS

Diagnose prolapse by listening to the heart with a special method. An electrocardiogram does not make it possible to establish such a diagnosis. This can be done with echocardiography. It is also indirectly possible to determine the presence of PMC due to external signs:

Treatment of PMS

The diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse does not always require treatment. The doctor should intervene if there are any special reasons. For example, there were pains in the heart or broken rhythm of the heartbeat. In this case, prescribe drugs. If the patient is a child, he falls under the constant supervision of a cardiologist. Pain can stop either by themselves or after taking medication.

Detected mitral valve prolapse has contraindications, mainly associated with the presence of stress and excessive physical exertion. Doctors usually explain to patients what the prolapse of the mitral valve is dangerous. In severe cases, in the latter stages, it can lead to the fact that the heart, without getting the blood needed by it, will simply stop.