The styloid phloem

In the wild, a variety of stylized phlox grow on hills, screes, under the shadow of thick bushes. The plant, which is brought to our latitudes from North America, grows well in the suburban areas. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, long and abundant flowering, the subulate phlox is very popular. The stalks grow on the ground, creating a soft green carpet, and when the subulate phlox blooms, the small purple, white or purple inflorescences completely cover them. The main flowering of this plant is in May-June, and in late August, the phlox can please a second flowering, but less abundant. Thanks to the numerous forms and varieties (Kendi Streips, Mayshnee, Temiskaming, Moerheimi, etc.) perennial stylized phloxes are an excellent decoration of the rocky garden, alpine hill , flowerbed, mixborder and flower garden.

Rules of landing

If you can create for phlox close to the natural conditions, then the plant will certainly be pleased with abundant flowering. Perennial prefer an abundance of light, the presence of partial shade, sandy or stony soil. For phlox, stagnant moisture is the worst thing that can be! Excess water leads to rapid death of roots and death of phlox. Despite the high winter hardiness, in winter the plant needs shelter under the snow cover.

As for the soil, the fertile one is not the best option. The green mass turns out magnificent, and flowering - lean. Poor, loose and dry - that's the optimal soil for perennial. Before planting, remove all the weeds, because it will not be possible to do this after the growth of the phlox. As for the predecessors, the lawn grass and marigold, which repel nematodes, is the best solution.

The very process of planting is extremely simple: after flowering, separate cuttings from the mother plant and plant them in the soil at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from each other, sprinkle with earth and moisten it.

Features of care

After the planting of the phyla is subulate, and the plant has taken root, caring for it is simple. It is reduced to weeding, rare watering and top dressing. As fertilizer for phlox is ideally suited wood ash (300 grams of ash per two liters of water, boil and dilute 10 liters of water).

In the winter, phloxes should be covered with fir-tree branches and snow. If the winter is warm, then there is no need for shelter. And in the spring the plant should be "ennobled" by cutting dry shoots. Remember, the haircut of this perennial can be carried out only after the flowering!

Adhering to these simple rules of care, you will provide the styloid phlox decorative for five to six years. After this, the plant should be rejuvenated.

Reproduction of phlox

The simplest way to multiply the styloid phlox is to divide the maternal bush. You can do this at any time of the year, except for winter. The main thing is that the cuttings have roots. As for the cultivation of the styloid phlox from seeds, the process is laborious and difficult. In addition, this method is used only for the cultivation of annual phlox varieties. First, the seeds are planted in the ground, lightly sprinkled, then covered with a transparent lid. Every day, the container should be ventilated, lightly sprayed with water. Young seedlings, reaching 4-5 centimeters in height, also need a dive. It is also worth noting that the plant does not have a high germination capacity.

Despite this, unpretentious in the care and a very beautiful awly phlox is able to give your summer residence charm. This perennial, no doubt, deserves attention.