Quilling chamomile

Recently, quilling (creating hand-made articles from strips of paper) is becoming more popular, because it allows you to create beautiful decorative elements from improvised materials. In this article, we'll look at the basic techniques of quilling and tell you how to make a daisy from paper.

Quilling chamomile: master class

To make chamomile in quilling technique you will need:


  1. Strip a white paper for quilling on the awl in the form of roll. Remove and allow the paper to crack down a little. Press the paper with your fingers to make a "droplet" and fix the edge of the strip with glue.
  2. Finished petal-drop cut along into two parts, starting from the acute side. You will need quite a few such petals. The exact number depends on the number of colors conceived in the composition.
  3. We make the middle of the flower. To do this, cut one edge of the yellow paper strip into a fringe and twist the strip into a roll. After this, firmly clinging the ready roll, dipped it on the bottom in the glue and immediately attach the petals to it. The more petals you use, the more lush your flower will turn out.
  4. Begin to make a stem. To do this, you will only need to reel the wire / stick / stick strip of green corrugated paper, greased with glue. In order for the paper to lie flat and no bumps or uncovered areas, it should be wound at an angle of approximately 45 °. At the upper end of the stem, make a loop and glue our flower to it.
  5. We glue our flowers to the base and get here such a voluminous composition.

Similarly, with the use of quilling techniques, other flowers are made: not only chamomile, but also chrysanthemums, asters, daisies. Of course, you will need to slightly adjust the size and volume of the flower, but in general the algorithm remains the same.