Grape snail - cooking

We associate grape snails with an aquarium or with a dacha, the sea, well, not with cooking. Meanwhile, snails dishes are very useful for the human body, and almost all over the world they have already won love.

The process of preparing grape snails came to us from French cuisine. The dish is considered exotic and has a delicate taste.

In order to prepare a grape snail at home, you can buy ready-made pickled or frozen snails in the store, or in the market. But for some recipes, canned snails do not fit, but you will need to grow your own or buy live ones.

Preparing snails is a rather complicated process, but interesting. If you decide to fully prepare the snails themselves, then you need to be a sloppy man.

The recipe for grape snails is quite old. In Europe and Asia, for example, snails in general are a familiar and everyday item in the menu of almost all restaurants, while for us, so far, grape snails are a curiosity. But already more and more restaurants are trying to pamper the Russian citizen with such an exotic and exquisite dish. The most common in Russia and all over the world is the recipe for the preparation of snails in French, which we will discuss below. The French still call him an escargot. Its unusual taste, it gains due to the fact that the shells are filled with garlic sauce with the addition of butter, due to which the snails acquire a special delicate taste.

In general, recipes for the preparation of snails exist a huge variety, for different tastes. Snails can be marinated. For this, they are cooked and then added to a mixture of soy sauce and wine. Also snails can be cooked with various sauces: cream cheese , garlic , curd. In addition, a salad of snails and roast from fried and boiled snails, or baked, is very tasty and unusual.

Our cuisine is firmly composed recipes and dishes of different peoples. And we adjust them for ourselves, adding something and removing something. Thus, preparing and bringing snails closer to our usual taste.

Below we will consider the preparation of canned grape snails.

Grape snails - recipe



From the shells we take snails, we remove all the insides. Then fry the meat in a frying pan. In empty and dried shells Add snacks of roasted meat. Then take the butter, cut it into pieces, add the squeezed garlic, lemon juice and greens. All this is salted, peppered and crushed with a blender. The resulting mixture is added to the sinks. Next, warm up the oven and lay our snails on the baking tray so that they all lay with oil up. In the oven, they are cooked for about 2-3 minutes.

We cut the baguette into thin slices and take out the ready snails from the oven.

Can be served to the table. With a toothpick we get meat, we eat, and we have a bite of bread.