Reese Witherspoon went through sexual harassment in her teens!

Sex scandal with the famous producer Harvey Weinstein literally opened Pandora's box! And accusations of harassment poured out of him, and every day more and more of them.

It seems that the time has come for the "blonde in the law" to tell her story. Reese Witherspoon performed at the Elle Women in Hollywood event and confessed that she was 16 years of age experiencing inappropriate behavior on the part of the man involved in the film process.

It turns out that working at the Dream Factory is not so safe for a young naive girl:

"I was experiencing problems with sleeping, I could not communicate normally, and now I understand that I should have told about it much earlier. I have a hatred for the director who disbanded when I was only 16 years old. And even more, I condemn my agent, who told me to keep my mouth shut so that I would not lose this job. I would very much like this case to be the only one in my life, but, alas, it's not. I was repeatedly forced to say to the men with whom "No!" Worked. But I just did not have the strength to tell about what is happening in the film industry. After my female colleagues started talking about this problem, I am proud that we can change the norms of behavior. "

With hope for the best

The actress noticed that she hopes that young girls will no longer feel this kind of attitude towards themselves. Despite the fact that it is extremely difficult for her to remember the experience of injustice, Reese Witherspoon is sure that it is impossible to ignore these egregious cases. Journalists, hearing the recognition of the star, tried to figure out which of the filmmakers could encroach on the honor of the young girl. Given that she was 16 years old in 1992, we can assume that it is about working in the TV series "The Unbearable Choice: Save the Child."

Read also

In 1991, the actress starred in two films - "Man on the Moon" and "Wild Flower". With this information, it is very easy to find out the name of the potential abuser Reese Witherspoon.