Mushrooms - good and bad

As a food product, the pancake has a very strange status: in some countries it is unanimously recognized as inedible, and we consider it to be conditionally edible. This definition should be understood as "becoming edible or inedible depending on the method of treatment". It should be noted that this also depends on the point of view: one nutritionist categorically refuses to recognize this fungus as fit for food, others, on the contrary, claim that it is extremely useful. But the truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. Both benefit and harm from the mushrooms can be manifested under the influence of various factors: the place and method of collecting the fungus, the type of cooking, the amount of food eaten, the health status of the person who used it, etc. Therefore, unequivocally throw it off the bill and brand it "inedible" is not worth it.

Useful properties of mushroom mushrooms

One has only to look at the mushroom to understand why it got that name - it's massive, heavy, has a heavy bonnet and a thick leg. There are several types of mushrooms that differ in color. The most common are white and black. This mushroom is very nutritious, almost as much as meat. And the protein content in it exceeds 32%, which is extremely important for those who are fond of vegetarianism. It contains a huge amount of vitamins D, B12 and a little vitamin C. Also there are trace elements: potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, etc. In the breasts there are substances called natural antibiotics that successfully fight with a tubercle bacillus. Also, they have a lot of fiber, stimulating the work of the intestines. A valuable property of these mushrooms is that they can be cooked in any way: salt, fry, cook, bake as a filling in pies, add to ground meat, canned, pickled and combined with different products. Only handle the mushrooms should be carefully, observing the mandatory rules: thoroughly clean and wash, boil for at least half an hour, previously soaked in cold water for one and a half days.

The benefits and harm of white mushrooms

White mushrooms of this species are considered to be the most secure and are found more often than others. They are shown to diabetics and hypertensive patients, as they do not contribute to increase of blood glucose level and increase of pressure. They are useful in the season of colds, as their antibacterial components clean the mucous membranes of the lungs and bronchi. They also excrete salts of uric acid, preventing the development of urolithiasis. But in addition to benefits and harm from white mushrooms, too, there is. They can not be given to small children, people with liver, stomach and intestines.

Benefit and harm of black grouses

Chernushka, or a black mushroom is appreciated, above all, for an unusual taste. In addition, it saturates the body vitamins of group B and vitamin РР, stimulates metabolism , helps to lose weight and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to the benefits and harm from the blacks, too, there is. This is a heavy food that can cause stomach upset, diarrhea and constipation, so you should not abuse these mushrooms.

Benefits and harm of salted mushrooms

Very tasty and loved by many salted mushrooms. With this method of processing, a large part of vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients are retained in the fungi. They contain only 26 calories per hundred grams. They, like boiled mushrooms, are very nutritious, able to increase the tone of the body, positively influence the mood. Harm salt fungi can bring with improper preparation and use of poor-quality raw materials.