Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizer - Application

Nitrogen contributes to the rapid and proper development of plants, and sulfur is needed to produce delicious fruits. The production of these elements by cultures provides the application of ammonium sulfate fertilizer.

Ammonium sulphate - characteristics

In appearance, the fertilizer looks like a white crystal powder. It has such advantages:

Ammonium sulphate is a fertilizer, the use of which will not harm neither man nor animals. Therefore, it is added not only to the roots, but also sprinkled with leaves and stems. The agent is applied regardless of the climatic zone. It is only necessary to know what consequences the repeated use will have.

Application of ammonium sulfate

Ammonium sulphate has found wide application in agriculture, it is used on agricultural lands where cabbage, turnips, potatoes, beets, radishes are grown. But since this is not a universal top dressing, its use will have a negligible effect on wheat, soy, oats, buckwheat , flax.

Ammonium sulfate is also widely used in the country. When the goal is set to collect as much as possible a crop from six hundred parts, then no additional feeding is indispensable. The agent is not simply sprayed over the beds, but systematically introduced together with the digging of the earth. Most of all, it is suitable for vegetables that lack sulfur.

The right time to use fertilizer is autumn. If you add it in the spring, it will give impetus to the development of plants, and eventually you will be able to harvest a rich harvest.

When using ammonium sulfate, the following points should be considered:

  1. Usually for 1 sq.m. leaves 30-40 g of fertilizer. On whether it is worth reducing or increasing the rate, the plant itself will tell.
  2. If top dressing was added once, this will not affect the properties of the soil. With repeated use, the earth will become more acidic. This property does not appear on alkaline and neutral soil, but it is better to combine it with acid so that it prevents acidification of the soil.
  3. Ammonium sulphate is not compatible with wood ash and tomaslag.
  4. Ammonium sulphate for reliability is combined with other types of fertilizing. This is due to the fact that it lacks other important substances necessary for plants.

Thus, ammonium sulfate will help to obtain a plentiful harvest of certain types of crops.