Furosemide for weight loss - how to take to reduce weight and without harm to the body?

Excess weight is the problem of our society, over which specialists of different fields fight: dieticians, cosmetologists and therapists. In the eternal pursuit of a slender body and rapid painless weight loss, people are decided on serious measures and resort to methods of rapid weight loss with the intake of diuretics .

Diuretic Furosemide for weight loss

One of the most famous drugs is recognized as furosemide for weight loss - a diuretic diuretic tablets. This is a powerful medicine, indications to which: swelling of different origin, water retention , hepatic and cardiac problems, kidney disease. The use of furosemide allows you to get rid of a couple of kilograms per day, but the use of strong medication in large quantities and without the appointment of a doctor is fraught with consequences.

How to drink furosemide for weight loss?

Any diuretic helps to become slimmer only for a while. removes excess water from the body, but not fat. It is not recommended to use such a wand not always, but only in case of emergency, for example, before an important event. The main question that worries those who still decided to choose furosemide for weight loss: how to take it to achieve a positive effect without harming your health? Having secured simple rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of negative consequences.

  1. It is necessary to have an idea of ​​what the remedy is for: remove swelling or reduce body volume. In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  2. It is important to follow the dosage.
  3. After one day of taking the medicine, you need to take a break and listen to yourself. If the body is strongly against such interference - there are convulsions, breathing disorders, etc. - it is necessary to stop taking the diuretic.
  4. During intense weight loss, you need to support the body, from which, after taking a diuretic, useful substances are washed away, it means taking vitamins, drinking plenty of water and keeping a potassium-containing product on hand.

Furosemide for weight loss - how much to drink?

Proper use of a diuretic will help to remove excess fluid and reduce the risk of side effects. A few days later, the result will be noticeable. Even a single dose of the drug (once before bedtime or during the day) at the minimum dosage can bring the desired effect. The duration of the course depends on the tolerability of the medicine, the state of the organism, the goals set. Since the preparation furosemide is very strong and has many side effects, after one or several days of admission it is recommended to take a break. If you feel well, repeat the short course.

How often can you drink furosemide without harm?

Losing weight with furosemide is really fast and easy, as there is no need to resort to restriction in diet and exercise. And yet a powerful medicine does not tolerate lightheadedness. Long-term use of the drug is contraindicated to everyone without exception. Short courses should not last more than three days, between them it is necessary to make such long breaks that the organism will resume normal activity.

Furosemide for weight loss - dosage

For weight loss, it is recommended to start taking furosemide medication one tablet a day, if necessary, increase the dose to two or three with a break of 4 hours, but not more than four tablets a day. It is important to remember that even a single dose has a strong diuretic effect. The use of drugs will not allow you to live in the usual way, so it is desirable to spend "weight loss days" on weekends with the ability to cope with the need every half hour.

Furosemide - Harm

If the results of express weight loss are difficult to predict, then any physician can name possible side effects and harm of furosemide for the organism. The medicine damages the kidneys, causing swelling after discontinuation, because it flushes together with the liquid the beneficial substances from the body, leading to dehydration. If you take furosemide for weight loss for a long time, the body will stop coping with its functions. In addition, problems such as:

Taking medication is prohibited for a number of reasons for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, neuropsychiatric problems, and gout patients. Still do not recommend it to pregnant, nursing and children. Even doctors rarely write such a strong diuretic, so when deciding on taking the drug, you need to think carefully and ask advice from the therapist.

Any intervention in the body's natural processes is fraught with consequences, so the use of a diuretic for express slimming is left with both positive and negative feedback. Praise him those who managed to get rid of excess water and was fortunate not to feel all the negative consequences of using a strong diuretic, but negative reviews scare off potential consumers. To use such a powerful medicine for weight loss is dangerous.