Magnesia for pregnant women

The process of bearing a child is quite complicated for the female body and, often, requires repeated medical intervention. Quite often in obstetrical practice, magnesium is used for pregnant women, taking injections or pills which takes a long period of time.

Why are pregnant women prescribed magnesium?

Drugs called just as magnesium sulfate, or magnesium sulphate, used in pregnancy, have some range of effects on the future mother's body. In their power to cure certain diseases that are characteristic of a pregnancy, improve the general condition of the female body, protect against possible complications and miscarriages. The full list of positive effects of these drugs looks like this:

Magnesia during pregnancy for a period of 1 trimester is usually not appointed, since the laying of all organs and systems of the fetus. At this stage it can be successfully replaced by no-shpa, papaverine and rest.

Can pregnant women be pricked with magnesium?

Yes, you can. The greatest effect is achieved precisely by injections of magnesia during pregnancy intramuscularly. However, this procedure is quite painful and requires care and experience from the medical officer performing it. With the incorrect administration of the drug, complications such as the death and inflammation of the tissues at the site of injection of magnesia during pregnancy are possible. Make sure that the liquid is necessarily warmed up, the injection was made by a thin, long needle, without rushing.

These conditions also apply to intravenous administration, which takes a long time interval. Magnesia in tablets during pregnancy will bring only a mild, laxative effect, because magnesium salts are not practically absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

In order to avoid negative emotions and the consequences of injections, female counselors prescribe electrophoresis with magnesium during pregnancy. This is a completely painless procedure, during which you will only need to relax.

What is the dosage of magnesium during pregnancy?

Like any other drug, magnesium sulphate is prescribed based on the individual characteristics of the organism of each pregnant woman and the course of the gestation process. However, there are unofficial medical regulations, according to which you should take injections of 25% magnesia, a single dose of which is 20 ml.

Side effects of magnesia in pregnancy

There are a number of negative consequences of regular intake of pregnant sulfate magnesia. These include:

And certainly you should not take magnesium, when pregnancy is accompanied by a constant reduced blood pressure in the body of the mother. Also, it is contraindicated in conjunction with dietary supplements or preparations containing calcium. Exceeding the dosage prescribed by the doctor is fraught with difficulty in breathing in the fetus.