Sbiten with ginger

Sbiten is an ancient drink made of water, spices, honey and various useful herbs. This broth perfectly strengthens immunity, helps the body to fight against colds. Below you are waiting for recipes for cooking sbitnia with ginger.

Recipe sbitnia with ginger



We clear the root of ginger. We boil water, we put in it the crushed ginger, a stick of cinnamon and a carnation. We add honey and sugar. Give the broth to boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. The foam that will appear on the surface, we take off. Then we remove the sbiten with ginger from the heat and let it brew for half an hour. Now the decoction is filtered and heated to the desired temperature. You need to use it hot.

Sbiten fir with ginger



In the pot, lay the sprigs of sage and fir, add cinnamon and crushed ginger root. We pour in water, bring the mass to a boil and let it boil for 10 minutes. After that, turn off the fire and let the broth brew for 30 minutes. After that, add honey, cloves and another 20 minutes on low heat.

Sbiten with ginger at home



In a deep dish, we dilute honey in 200 ml of water and let the resulting mixture boil, removing the formed foam. In another dish, we also brew sugar in 200 ml of water and also bring it to a boil. Then mix the resulting mixture and boil it over a low heat until a uniform mass is obtained. It should not be allowed to boil actively. In the remaining liquid add spices, cover the dishes with a lid and cook for 15 minutes, then turn off the fire and give a decoction of 15-20 minutes to infuse. Now the infusion is filtered and we connect it with the sugar-honey mix. Before use, the drink is heated.

How to prepare sbiten with ginger?



Honey is dissolved in water, put on fire and, removing foam, boil for 10 minutes. Add spices, bring to a boil and chill. Yeast dilute with warm water and pour the mass into a honey broth. The resulting beverage is bottled and we leave the clock at 12 in a warm place. After that, we seal the bottles and put them in a cold place for 2-3 weeks. After this time, the drink will be ready.