Diet for nursing mothers

The idea that a nursing mother should adhere to a certain diet firmly established in our minds. Therefore, some newly mum, without even thinking, as far as it is practicable, refuse many products.

Let's try to understand what is meant by a diet for a nursing mother, and when there is a sense in these restrictions.

So arranged by nature that with breast milk the child, in any case, will receive the necessary for its growth and development: microelements, vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is quite another matter where they come from, if the nursing mother immediately follows the strictest diet. The lack of useful substances will be compensated for by internal reserves of the female body. As a result, there is a well-known postpartum depression, loss and fragility of hair, nails, tired appearance, apathy and other signs of exhaustion. However, extremes in this matter are undesirable. Overeating, lack of regimen and consumption of harmful products will not have a positive impact on the health and well-being of both mother and baby.

In this connection, it is obvious that a reasonable diet for nursing mothers, nevertheless, will be appropriate, especially in the first month, while the baby does not adapt to the new conditions of life.

Unfortunately, the ideal postpartum diet for all nursing mothers, which will take into account individual characteristics is not provided. Depending on the needs of the woman, the age and the reaction of the child to those or other products, the mother's diet is adjusted.

Diet of nursing mothers by months

As the child grows up, his needs and abilities of the digestive system change. Accordingly, the diet for a nursing mother in the first and last month of breastfeeding is significantly different. So at first, the list of allowed products is limited: cereals without gluten, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, boiled vegetables, pasta from durum wheat, hard cheeses of varieties, sour-milk products. Raw vegetables and fruits, as well as cow's milk at this stage are introduced into the diet very carefully.

Diet for losing weight nursing moms

According to the average statistical data, the average weight gain during pregnancy should not exceed 14 kg. In this case, the woman will not have to make special efforts to return to her former form. But, unfortunately, those mothers who literally perceived the advice of compassionate people around and ate for two, a strict diet for lactating mothers will not hurt.

Observing the elementary rules of healthy eating, a woman in any case will lose a couple of extra pounds. But a more effective diet for losing weight nursing mothers will be in conjunction with exercise.

Diet of a lactating woman with diathesis of a child

Skin rashes in the baby are a characteristic feature of the errors in the nutrition of the mother. In order to save the baby from ailment, you need to adjust the diet. First of all, give up products that are strong allergens . It can be: citrus, red or exotic berries and fruits, honey, seafood. In this case, the menu should consist of buckwheat, rice, corn porridge, boiled or stewed meat and vegetables, you can also leave safe for the baby, dairy products.

Diet of a nursing mother with colic in a newborn

Increased gas formation causes babies to cry and worry. As a rule, colic occurs due to abnormalities in the intestine. To prevent their appearance, you should abandon foods that are high in fiber and allergens. Namely, white cabbage and cauliflower, broccoli, legumes, rye bread, sweets and baking. In addition, some children, in this way, the body reacts to cow's milk.