Tree on the zodiac sign

Since ancient times, people believed that trees have a certain energy that can affect a person. That's why, it is important to know which tree is suitable for the sign of the zodiac in order to find an assistant who is charged with energy at any time. It is worth noting that there are plants that positively affect a person, but there are real "vampires" sucking out vital energy.

Which tree is a helper for the sign of the zodiac?

  1. Aries . Get energy support can be from pine, tree, oak, alder and linden. It is important to note that it is best to communicate with trees in the beginning of summer. It is recommended to choose lone trees with a beautiful and lush crown.
  2. Taurus . The most powerful tree is poplar, but it is important to note that it can both give and take energy, so build on your feelings . Men still have a chestnut and women a walnut.
  3. The twins . A tree on the zodiac sign - maple and apple tree. In the flowering period, an energy assistant can become a pear. It is recommended to contact the trees in late summer.
  4. Cancer . Enthusiastic representatives of this sign can from elm, willow and alder. It is best to communicate with trees in May and August.
  5. The Lion . For representatives of this sign the talisman will be cypress or elm. Men are advised to apply for energy feeding to the oak. The ideal time for talking with a tree is September and April.
  6. The Virgin . Trees donors on the signs of the zodiac: hazel, plum and alder. You can get energy from the apple tree, but only at a time when it is fruitful. The ideal time for circulation is October, July and August.
  7. Scales . Powerful energy to share with representatives of this sign can birch and linden. Separately, I would like to highlight birch, which allows you to get rid of discomforts and stress .
  8. Scorpio . Assistant for such people will become a dogrose, hawthorn, pine and chestnut. Referring to trees is recommended in early spring, when buds appear.
  9. Sagittarius . Trees and amulet on the zodiac sign are horns and cedars. From them, Sagittarians can improve their physical and emotional state. Seek help in March, August and October.
  10. Capricorn . For the representatives of this sign the assistant will be beech, birch and fir. You need to receive an energy charge from the trees after the snow comes down or at the end of the summer.
  11. Aquarius . For such people, the best patron is poplar, but also for help you can contact the linden and spindle. You can get energy from the trees in the late spring.
  12. Pisces . The assistants are larch, yew, honeysuckle and viburnum. Special energy for such people will be the fruits of these trees. It is not recommended to contact the aspen.